
  • 网络Dalian World Expo Center
  1. 当夏季达沃斯论坛与会者涌入大连世界博览广场、在那间敞亮的大厅里观赏海景时,他们会看到东道主城市喜欢自我描述的形象:干净、现代的国际都市。

    When participants of Summer Davos pour into the Dalian World Expo Center on Wednesday and take in sea views in the airy lobby , they will see the image their host city likes to project of itself : a clean , modern , cosmopolitan place .

  2. 大连世界博览广场会展二期工程超长底板混凝土冬期施工技术

    Winter construction technology for super long slab concrete in Dalian Expo square phase II project