
  • 网络Dalian;port of dalian
  1. 大连港OT系统的统计分析与评价

    The Statistic Analysis and Index Evaluation for the " OT System " in Dalian Harbour

  2. 大连港和中石油(PetroChina)还在联合开发一个液化天然气加工厂。

    Dalian Port and PetroChina are also developing a liquefied natural gas processing plant .

  3. 应用SWOT方法分析了大连港港口物流发展的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战。

    Also , we analyzed the strength , weakness , opportunities and challenges of Dalian port logistics by SWOT analysis .

  4. 海上交通模拟在大连港水域的VTS方案可行性论证中的应用

    The Application of Marine Traffic Simulation to Feasibility Demonstration of VTS Scheme of Dalian Harbour Sea Area

  5. 在此基础上,应用二次排队论模型中的Birth&DeathProcess理论和M/M/S系统分析法,从船、货、港三方利益出发,确定了未来大连港合理的泊位数及同时开舱数。

    And , in the interest of the harbour , the ships and the cargo owners . the number of berths and production lines in Dalian Harbour are determined by means of secondary queueing theory model , birth-death process theory and m / m / s system .

  6. 与大连港共同拥有受损输油管的中国石油天然气集团(cnpc),也已参与到清理工作中来。

    CNPC , which co-owns the damaged pipelines along with Dalian port , has also been involved in clean-up efforts .

  7. 然后,采用SWOT分析法,通过对大连港当前面临的机遇与挑战,以及自身的优势与劣势进行分析,论证了大连建设原油枢纽港的可行性以及存在的问题。

    Then , the author uses SWOT analysis method to analyze the opportunities and threat confronted by Dalian Port , its strength and weakness to demonstrate the feasibility of establishing the pivotal port of crude oil in Dalian and the problems may exist .

  8. 2011年大连港共为大连市创造GDP950.27亿元,税收131.75亿元,就业岗位39.03万个,对大连市当期GDP、税收和就业人数的贡献率分别为15.45%、8.97%和15.45%。

    Dalian Port has created 95.027 billion yuans ' GDP , 13.175 billion yuans ' tax , 390.3 thousand jobs to Dalian city in 2011 , the contribution rate to the current GDP , tax and employment of Dalian city is respectively 15.45 % , 8.97 % and 15.45 % .

  9. 大连港入口处的警卫态度强硬得有些粗鲁:游客不得进入港口,以便更近距离地观看停泊在这座中国东北部城市的前苏联航空母舰&瓦良格号(Varyag)。

    The guard at the Dalian port gate was brusquely adamant : visitors could not enter for a closer look at the Varyag , a former Soviet aircraft carrier berthed at the north-eastern Chinese city .

  10. 大连港航道锚地功能改善的研究

    Study on the Improvement of Fairways and Anchorages of Dalian Port

  11. 大连港是中国最大的海港之一。

    Port Dalian is one of the biggest seaports in China .

  12. 在第3章对大连港的内贸集装箱运输发展现状分析;

    Chapter 3 analyses the domestic container transport situation in Dalian .

  13. 大连港矿石专用码头工程设计优化与创新

    Design Optimization and Innovation for Dalian Port Specialized Ore Terminal Engineering

  14. 大连港海上交通安全调研与航道锚地功能改善规划

    Safety investigation and improvement program for marine traffic in Dalian port

  15. 大连港集团生产管理系统优化研究

    Study on Optimized of Operation and Management System of PDA Group

  16. 大连港集装箱物流中心投资规划与经济评价

    Dalian Port Container Logistics Center Investment Plan and Economic Evaluation

  17. 大连港盐船系统的统计分析

    Statistics and Analysis of Salt Shipping System in Dalian Harbour

  18. 大连港403集装箱堆场工程软基处理措施

    Treatment Measures for Soft Foundation of Dalian Port 403 Container Yard Project

  19. 大连港水域船舶交通安全管理研究与实践

    The Research & Practice of Vessel Traffic Security Management of Dalian Port

  20. 大连港现代物流需求分析与发展研究

    Research on the Need and Development of Modern Logistics of Dalian Port

  21. 大连港集装箱运量及货源分析

    Analysis on container 's handling capacity and commodity supply of Dalian Port

  22. 大连港专用矿石码头污水处理工程设计

    Design for Wastewater Treatment Project of Special Mine Dock in Dalian Harbor

  23. 大连港大窑湾工程大型机械设备的安装与调试管理

    Management of Installation and Debugging of Large Machines and Equipments

  24. 三次指数平滑法预测大连港货物吞吐量

    Dalian Port Throughput Capacity of Goods Forecast by Cubic Exponential Smoothing Method

  25. 如果客户大批量订购我们的产品,从大连港出口。

    If our customers ordering large quantities of products exported from Dalian .

  26. 大连港可持续发展对策探讨

    The study on the countermeasures to the Dalian port 's sustainable development

  27. 大连港轮驳公司发展战略研究

    Research on the Developing Strategy of Dalian Harbour Tug & Barge Corporation

  28. 论大连港的发展方向

    On the direction of the development in Dalian Port

  29. 控制爆破技术在大连港矿石专用码头中的应用

    Application of Controlled Blasting Techniques in the Specialized Ore Terminal of Dalian Port

  30. 新世纪大连港发展战略研究

    Study of Dalian Port Development Strategy in New Century