
  • 网络Metropolitan area;metropolitan district;metropolis
  1. 我国大都市区治理模式研究

    The Research on the Governance Model of Metropolitan Area In China

  2. 1990年代以来国内大都市区研究回顾与展望

    Review and prospect : the research on the metropolitan area since 1990s

  3. 例如,为什么盐湖城地铁区是穷人最有可能富起来的100个最大的大都市区之一,而亚特兰大地铁区是最不可能的城市区之一?

    What explains , for instance , why the Salt Lake City metro area is one of the 100 largest metropolitan areas most likely to lift the fortunes of the poor and the Atlanta metro area is one of the least likely ?

  4. 据此,对建设我国大都市区一体化综合交通体系的目标进行了分析,并重点探讨了在构筑一体化综合交通体系过程中对TDM(交通需求管理)的应用以及这种应用的有效性。

    It analyses the object constructing metropolitan incorporate traffic system in China , and discusses the application of Travel Demand Management ( TDM ) .

  5. 巴黎大都市区商业的发展及其新近的变化

    Commercial development and its recent changes in the agglomeration of Paris

  6. 基于景观理论的大都市区土地整理模式探讨

    Methods of land consolidation in metropolitan suburbs based on landscape theory

  7. 国外大都市区规划体系评述

    An Approach to the Planning Systems of Overseas Metropolitan Areas

  8. 北美大都市区规划及其对珠江三角洲的启示

    North American metropolitan planning and Its Enlightenment on the Pearl River Delta

  9. 上海大都市区空间结构的重构上海大都市圈空间格局新探

    A new probe into the Spatial Structure of Shanghai Metropolitan Coordinating Region

  10. 投资的方式选择对大都市区发展起了催化作用。

    The investment pattern selection of FDI catalyzed the rise of metropolises .

  11. 当代美国大都市区的空间结构特征与交通困境

    The Spatial Characteristics of Contemporary American Metropolitan Areas and Its Traffic Congestion

  12. 中国大都市区的形成及动力机制

    Formation and its Driving Mechanism of Metropolitan Areas in China

  13. 大都市区空间结构的演化及其调控

    The Evolvement on Metropolitan Spatial Structure and it 's Monitoring and Control

  14. 大都市区是城市化发展的产物。

    The appearance of Metropolitan District results from the development of urbanization .

  15. 省直管县改革与大都市区治理体系的建立

    Province - administered counties and establishment of metropolitan governance system

  16. 大都市区是现代城市发展的一个新的空间单元;

    MA is a new spatial unit of development in modern city .

  17. 当代美国大都市区中心城市的困境

    Dilemma of Central Cities in the Metropolitan Districts in the Contemporary United States

  18. 国外大都市区人口发展的相关政策及其借鉴

    The experience of population developing policy in western metropolitan areas and its inspiration

  19. 形成亦在珀斯大都市区的部分压力水。

    Formation also carries pressure water in parts of the Perth metropolitan area .

  20. 大都市区公共游憩空间的建构与解构北京首都国际航空港

    Construction and Deconstruction of Public Recreational Space in Metropolitan Area Beijing Capital Airport

  21. 西方大都市区的管理模式及其对我国的启示

    Management Models of Western Metropolitan Areas and Their Enlightenment to Chinese Metropolitan Areas

  22. 大都市区范围界定方法及其应用

    Define Method of Metropolitan Area Scope & Its Application

  23. 德国大都市区结构的特征与发展趋势

    On the characteristics and the development trends of the metropolitan regions of Germany

  24. 长春大都市区空间调控对策研究

    The Study of the Countermeasures of the Space Regulation on the Changchun Metropolitan District

  25. 大都市区地域空间结构演化的微观动力研究

    Micro-dynamic of Spatial Structure Evolution in Metropolitan Area

  26. 论大都市区与美国经济增长

    Metropolitan Areas and the Economic Growth of U.S.A

  27. 大都市区综合交通体系的构建

    The Construction of Integral Transportation System in Metropolis

  28. 析大都市区发展战略规划

    Analyses the Strategic Development Planning for Metropolis Areas

  29. 大都市区区域管治比较柏林勃兰登堡与北京

    Comparative study of governance in metropolitan regions : taking Berlin-Brandenburg and Beijing for example

  30. 在中国,大都市区是近来才引进的概念,虽然学者们作了很多研究,但是对于我国大都市区的概念还没有形成权威的界定。

    Recently , issue of the management of Metropolitan District has been focused in China .