
  • big parade;【电影】Da yue bing
  1. 上次九三抗战胜利纪念日大阅兵时,我是呆在我五环外的房间里用IPad看阅兵的。

    Last time , there was big parade for the V-Day anniversary , and I stayed in my room outside the 5th Ring and watched it on an iPad . Aww , man .

  2. 联合利华之2005:央视广告效果大阅兵

    2005 of Unilever : Review Ad Effects of CCTV

  3. 这次国庆大阅兵规模宏大,场面壮观。参阅部队都是精锐之师,这样的规模和阵容,在我国历史上是空前的,在世界上也是少有的。

    The large-scale military parade formed a magnificent scene .

  4. 今年5月和9月举行的纪念活动(北京预定于9月3日举行大阅兵)将加剧国际关系中的对峙。

    The ceremonies in May and September 2015 ( a big parade is scheduled to take place in Beijing on September 3 ) will heighten the stand-off in international relations .

  5. 开国大阅兵&对1949年10月1日的记录与回忆我现在没有兴致搞凯旋阅兵式,大功尚未告成。

    A Great Military Review on the Celebration of Founding the P.R.C I am not in the mood for a victory parade . We aren 't at the end yet .

  6. 如何看待中国在70周年的纪念活动,包括大阅兵给日本国民的对华感情带来的影响?

    How do you see such a situation and how do you view the possible impact of Chinas planned commemoration activities including the military parade on the sentiments of the Japanese people ?

  7. 跨国公司高管也应该记住,在即将举行的世界田径锦标赛以及纪念日本二战投降70周年大阅兵到来之前,北京很快将实施污染控制措施。

    Multinational executives should also remember that Beijing will soon implement pollution controls ahead of the upcoming world athletics championships and military parade for the 70th anniversary of Japan 's second world war surrender .

  8. 这位模特实现了自己的梦想,将于其他仪仗队女兵一起在9月3号大阅兵上亮相。仪仗队女兵自2014年5月12日在一次外交活动首次亮相之后,赢得了广泛赞誉。

    The ex-model realized her dream and will appear in the Sept 3 parade with other female honor guards who have won worldwide acclaim since their debut at a diplomatic event on May 12 , 2014 . They were selected in February 2014 .

  9. 喀山大教堂和伊比利亚礼拜堂及复活门由于为了给大阅兵让位而被摧毁。

    The Kazan Cathedral and the Iverskaya Chapel with the Resurrection Gates were destroyed to make space for the military parades and demonstrations that frequented the square .

  10. 尤其是《建国大业》的演员阵容,几乎囊括了中国电影的实力明星、知名导演,可视之为对中国电影演艺队伍的一次大阅兵。

    Especially the cause of founding of the cast , accounts for nearly Chinese movie star , director of the strength of China , regarded as a great movie acting team .