
  1. 尼日利亚是一个对非洲大陆国际关系有特殊影响力的国家。

    Nigeria is a country with special influence towards international relationship of the African continent .

  2. 前者在美国国际私法领域广为盛行,后者则在欧洲大陆国际私法领域暗流涌动。

    The former spreads widely in the field of American private international law while the latter waves in Europe .

  3. 速霸公司作为大陆国际数控行业知名制造加工企业,产品远销新加坡、俄罗斯、马来西亚、欧洲、非洲等世界各地。

    AS a CEO in continent , our products have commanded a ready market in Singapore , Russia , Malaysia , Europe , Africa act around the world .

  4. 欧洲大陆国际私法法典化体现的是建构理性和分析主义法哲学观,而美国的国际私法法典化体现的是演进理性和实用主义法哲学观。

    The codification of European private international law manifests the constructive rationalism and the analyst philosophy , while the codification of American private international law is characterized by the evolutional rationalism and the pragmatist philosophy .

  5. 在冷战结束以来的国际格局转型中,俄罗斯如何重新构建自己的对外关系,以及确定在国际、特别是欧洲大陆国际体系中的地位,成为各界关注的焦点。

    Speaking for Russia itself , how to renew its foreign relations and identify its role in the international system , especially in the European continent would be a point at issue in the very act of the transition of the international structure since the end of the cold war .

  6. 1985年中国成部深部过程与大陆裂谷国际学术讨论会

    International Symposium on deep internal processes and continental rifting in Chengdu of china , 1985

  7. 基于灰色系统的新亚欧大陆桥国际集装箱运量预测

    A Gray Forecasting System of the Intemational Container Traffic Volume on the New Asia European Continental Bridge

  8. 实体与程序的区分在英美法系冲突法理论中是与识别、公共秩序保留等并列的国际私法基本理论问题,而大陆法系国际私法很少独立地讨论这个问题。

    As an independent regime , the dichotomy between substance and procedure is equal to characterization in Anglo-American conflicts methodology .

  9. 大陆法系国际私法的理论学说经过无数学者的努力构建与发展,初步奠定了基本模式。

    The theory of Private International Law in the Continental Law System has been basically established through the efforts of so many scholars ' construction and development .

  10. 20世纪90年代以来,随着苏联解体、冷战结束,欧洲大陆的国际关系格局发生了根本性的变化。

    Since the 1990s , with the Soviet Union collapsed , the Cold War ended , the pattern of international relations in the European continent has undergone a fundamental change .

  11. 上述项目于12月18日晚些时候获得批准。在这些项目中,两家存储芯片制造商受到了仅能使用0.25微米技术的限制,而该技术落后于中国大陆和国际竞争者已采用的制造工艺。

    In the projects approved late on Monday , the two memory chipmakers were restricted to 0.25 micron technology , which is less advanced than the manufacturing processes already being used by Chinese and international competitors .

  12. 依次考察英美法、大陆法和国际性文件的规定。

    Inspection followed by Anglo-American law , civil law and international documents .

  13. 大陆边缘地质国际学术会议在宁举行

    Symposium on geology of continental margins held in Nanjing

  14. 欧洲大陆学派的国际关系理论

    The Continental School in Theories of International Relations

  15. 他说,他的决定得到了本地区、非洲大陆以及广大国际社会的广泛支持。

    He said his decision has received widespread support from within the region , the continent and the broad international community .

  16. 第一部分通过对英美法系、大陆法系、国际条约和我国对著作人身权的理论、立法思想和实际立法的历史考察,梳理了著作人身权的发展脉络。

    The first part expounds the process of the development of moral right through the historical investigation about the theory , legislative ideas and legislation .

  17. 其次阐述了英美法系、大陆法系以及国际公约中关于侦查阶段律师辩护权的规定。

    Second , it expounds the regulations about lawyers ' defense right in investigation in countries of Anglo-American and continental legislation system and international convention documents .

  18. 但在大陆法系及国际公约中,均认为对船舶采取的强制措施是海事财产保全措施。

    But the statutory law and international conventions , as well as China , consider the compulsory measure on ship as a kind of maritime property saving .

  19. 第二章主要是比较法研究,列举英美法系、大陆法系和国际公约对未注册商标保护的规定,并对其进行借鉴。

    The second chapter is to compare the foreign law in protecting the unregistered trademarks , citing common law , civil law and international conventions on the protection of unregistered trademarks .

  20. 作为欧亚大陆两大国际战略力量,俄欧两者间关系及其走势不仅事关欧洲的安全与稳定,而且对全球大国关系的发展和整个世界局势产生重大影响。

    Both Russia and Europe are so strategically important in the Eurasia that their relation and direction of the relation are profoundly consequential not only to peace and stability in Europe but to the development of relations among major powers and world pattern as a whole .

  21. 基于中国大陆GPS观测在国际地球参考框架(ITRF)获得的站点位置,由三角形法通过反演逐年推算中国大陆年微动态应变场。

    Based on the time series of GPS station coordinate in the international earth reference frame , we evaluate annual micro-behavior of strain field in Chinese mainland with the triangle method .

  22. 中国大陆省级行政区国际旅游收入的时空差异分析

    Analysis on the Temporal and Spatial Difference of the International Tourism Income by Region in China

  23. 1978年改革开放以来,中国大陆新移民成为国际移民中令人瞩目的一支。

    Since China 's Reform and Open-door Policy was set up in 1978 , new immigrants of Chinese Mainland have been an important branch of international migration tides .

  24. 本文通过对48个国家(地区)国际收支平衡表两个账户顺差、逆差年份的均值检验发现:普通法系和大陆法系国家在国际收支表现上存在显著的差异。

    By comparisons of48 countries ( regions ), we find that there is great difference between common law and civil law countries in the statement for balance of payments .

  25. 尽管大陆学生占据了国际学生的大多数,但是就总体学生比例而言还是小部分,在本科阶段更是如此,大部分的国际学生是研究生。

    But while mainland Chinese students dominate international enrollment , they comprise a small fraction of the overall student body . This is even more the case at the undergraduate level , as most international students are graduates .

  26. 本文基于各国的流动性传导、金融资产的国际定价差异及投资者信心在股市上行及下行的阶段差异,综合分析我国大陆股票市场与国际股票市场关联效应的动态变化。

    This article analyzes the correlation effect of the continent stock market and the international stock market , which basis on the liquidity conducting , international price difference of financial assets , differences of confidence of the investor while the stock market is up and down .

  27. 我国自改革开放以来,从香港半岛集团首先登陆大陆市场到如今国际酒店巨头逐鹿中国市场,国内酒店业态势已发生了翻天覆地的变化。

    Since the reform to the world , from the first disembarkation of Hongkong Bandao hotel group to the mother land market till now that the world hotel magnate emulatively develop their business in China market , a world-shaking change has arisen on the situation of hotel industry in China .