
  • 网络commission on the limits of the continental shelf
  1. 大陆架界限委员会的主要职能是在审议沿海国提交的划界案的基础上,就有关划定外大陆架外部界限的事项向沿海国提出建议。

    The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf ( CLCS ) may table a proposal to the coastal state based on it 's consideration on the Submission of the coastal state .

  2. 一个名为“大陆架界限委员会(commissiononthelimitsofthecontinentalshelf)”的机构对调查结果的是非曲直做出决议,但它无权强制执行。

    An agency called the Commission on the limits of the continental shelf decides on the merits of the case , but it has no powers of enforcement .

  3. 《海洋法公约》关于外大陆架申请期限的规定,导致大批国家近期向联合国大陆架界限委员会提出了申请。

    The time limit of outer continental shelf application resulted in numbers of coastal states put forward their submissions of outer continental shelf .