
  • City of Angels
  1. 人们称洛杉矶为天使之城。

    They call Los Angeles the city of angels .

  2. 当他们都来到洛杉矶,来到天使之城

    After all , they are in Los Angeles , the City of Angels

  3. 你的包在天使之城丢了。

    You just lost your bag in the angel city .

  4. 因此,洛杉矶又被称为“天使之城”!

    Therefore , Los Angeles , also known as the " City of Angeles "!

  5. 但是这座天使之城的确是一个非常好的选择。

    But the City of Angels , really and truly , is a terrific choice .

  6. 希望你们一切都好!我超开心的是三面纱终于来到了天使之城!

    Hope all is well-I am excited that THREE VEILS is finally coming to the City of Angels !

  7. 安得鲁•史迪文斯主播一些电视游戏业的最大厂商正在“天使之城”洛杉矶展开殊死的竞争。

    ANDREW STEVENS ANCHOR Well some of the video game industry 's biggest names are slugging it out currently in the City of Angels , that is Los Angeles of course .

  8. 勒布朗·詹姆斯直到2018年7月9日才正式成为一名洛杉矶湖人。但在签下这份为期四年、价值1.533亿美元的合同之前,他与天使之城就有了千丝万缕的联系。

    LeBron James didn 't officially become a Los Angeles Laker until July 9 , 2018 , but his connection with the City of Angels began long before putting his signature on a four-year , $ 153.3 million contract .