
  • 网络cold
  1. 燃气和燃油的消耗量在天冷时总会增加。

    Gas and oil consumption always increases in cold weather .

  2. 天冷时,身体的抵抗力会下降。

    The body may be less resistant if it is cold .

  3. 天冷的时候能明显感觉到从信箱那边吹来的过堂风。

    On a cold day there can be quite a draught from the letterbox .

  4. 天冷得刺骨。

    It was bitterly cold

  5. 天冷了要穿得暖一点儿,这是常识。

    It 's common sense to dress more warmly when it gets cold .

  6. 天冷了,棉衣该上身了。

    It 's getting cold . We 'd better start wearing our padded jackets .

  7. 天冷了,风吹在身上冷飕飕的。

    It 's getting cold , and one feels chilly when the wind blows .

  8. 天冷了,咱们还是回家吧。

    It 's coming in chilly ; we had better go home .

  9. 天冷,你要穿暖和些。

    It 's cold and you should cover up warmly .

  10. 天冷时,我出门前都穿上大衣。

    When the weather is cold I put on an overcoat before going out of doors .

  11. 准备好一些被子以防半夜天冷。

    Prepare some bedclothes in case it is cold at midnight .

  12. 天冷时发动汽车很难。

    It is difficult to start a car in cold weather .

  13. 而且天冷时从不外出。

    And he never went out when the weather was cold .

  14. 一天比一天冷不是吗?

    It is getting cooler day by day is not it ?

  15. 大热天冷啤酒是最受欢迎的东西了。

    Cold beer is just the thing on a hot day .

  16. 阴暗的一天天冷、阴暗、沉闷;

    The day is cold , and dark , and dreary ;

  17. 因为天冷,树枝上挂着水珠。

    It was cold and the drops hung to the branches .

  18. 天冷,请你关上窗户好吗?

    It 's cold , would you mind closing the window ?

  19. 这辆汽车天冷时早晨常常熄火。

    The car has an inclination to stall on cold morning .

  20. 她要顶帽子,因为天冷了。

    She needs a hat , because it is cold .

  21. 多带点衣裳,以防天冷。

    Take more clothes in case the weather becomes cold .

  22. 本,今天天冷,给你大衣。

    Ben , it 's cold today . Here 's your coat .

  23. 天冷了,请穿上毛衣。

    It 's cold , please put on your sweater .

  24. 天冷得很,也许到了华氏零度。

    It was freezing cold , perhaps zero degrees Fahrenheit .

  25. 天冷时我喜欢洗个热水澡。

    I love a hot bath in the cold weather .

  26. 回我房间吧,天冷了。

    Let 's go to my room . it 's getting cold .

  27. 他感到天冷得透心凉。

    It was so cold that he felt frozen to the marrow .

  28. 天冷得汽车的引擎都无法发动了。

    It was so cold the car wouldn 't start .

  29. 当太阳落下之后,天冷得像阴间一样。

    As the sun went down it became as cold as hell .

  30. 天冷了我就穿皮大衣。

    I wear a fur coat when it gets cold .