
tiān qiàn
  • natural moat;the Changjiang River (Yangtse River);the Yellow River;natural chasm;the Huanghe River;Qiantang River
天堑 [tiān qiàn]
  • (1) [natural moat]∶天然形成的隔断交通的大壕沟

  • 长江天堑

  • (2) [the Changjiang River (Yangtse River)]∶长江

  • 金陵空壮观,天堑净波澜。-- 李白《金陵》

  • (3) [Qiantang River]∶钱塘江

  • 云树绕堤沙,怒涛卷霜雪,天堑无涯。--柳永《望海潮》

  • (4) [the Huanghe River;the Yellow River]∶黄河

  • 天堑波光摇落日,太行山色照中原。-- 金. 李汾《汴梁杂诗》

天堑[tiān qiàn]
  1. 可是,现实总是与理想愿望保持着距离,而且往往是不可跨越的,甚至是天堑鸿沟。

    However , the reality is always with the desire to maintain an ideal distance , and often insurmountable , and even natural moat gap .

  2. 在现代科学技术快速发展的今天,人类跨越天堑鸿沟的能力已经大大超越了从前。

    With the rapid development of modern science and technology today , human ' scapabilities to across the natural moat and deep chase have far exceeded the former .

  3. 血气方刚,风华正茂,心已不羁,天堑变通途!

    Energetic , young and heart have been unruly , natural moat change thoroughfare !

  4. 它们都势均力敌,天堑一般的防御条件不可逾越。

    They are too evenly matched , and their natural defences are too formidable .

  5. 人家说18分差距是天堑啊,但比起上站开始前的26分差距要好多了。

    People say the gap of18 points is too much , but it is better than the26 I started the last race with .

  6. 他们预计德国军队只能采取拖延战术,而且为了保持实力,会退到河面辽阔、水流甚急、极难强渡的天堑的后面去。

    They had expected that the Germans would fight only a delaying action and , conserving their strength , retire behind the formidable water barrier of the wide and swift-flowing river .

  7. 桥,像彩虹一样美丽,可使天堑变通途,把希望送给苦难的人们,把友谊传遍世界。

    The bridge , is equally beautiful like the rainbow , may cause the natural moat to change the thoroughfare , and gives the misery the hope the people , spreads over the friendship the world .

  8. 它北阻长江,南屏庐阜,上控武汉,下扼皖吴,截天堑之中流,据湓浦为门户。

    Its " north hinders the Yangtse River , southward , the screen cottage charges gripping Anhui Wu under Wuhan , sheds in section of natural chasm on the mound , evidence gushes forth Pu Wei door " .

  9. 这一次我没有再说什么。因为我知道,无论多么远的距离,都不会在你我之间辟出一道天堑,因为世界上永远不会有那么一个人,比我更爱你。

    I said nothing this time , cause I knew , no matter how far a distance would never make a entrenchment between us , cause there will never be a man , love you more than I do .

  10. 然而在南国的历史文化名城泉州,遗存着大量堪称国宝的石构建筑:洛阳桥飞越大海碧波,天堑变通途;

    But in QuanZhou , the historical city of South China , there remains lots of stone buildings , which have been called the national treasure : The Luoyang bridge flies over the sea waves , and the natural moat changes the thoroughfare ;