
tiān mǔ
  • emperor's mother
  1. 我怎么知道那辆公共汽车是往天母的呢?

    How do I know the bus bound for Tianmu ?

  2. 我和我姊姊一起住在天母一栋四个房间的别墅。

    I live with my sister in a four-room villa in Tien mou .

  3. 去天母的公共汽车我在哪里乘?

    When can I catch the bus for Tianmu ?

  4. 您也可以于了解天母灵粮堂维持原始版权并确认天母灵粮堂为原始提供者之状况下,复制原始档案分配使用。

    You may also distribute unaltered copies on the understanding that Oasis-Bread of Life retains the copyright and is also acknowledged as the source .

  5. 天母灵粮堂藉由鼓励人们以心灵和真理活出祷告敬拜的生活方式,进而带领人们与耶稣基督建立亲密的关系。

    Oasis seeks to bring people into a relationship with the person of Jesus Christ by encouraging a lifestyle of worship and prayer in Spirit and in Truth .

  6. 天母灵粮堂是在基督的爱里来服事众人,藉著教导上帝的话、训练基督徒服事,并装备人出去传福音使人作门徒。

    Oasis ministers in the love of Christ by teaching the Word of God , training for Christian service , and equipping people to go out to preach the gospel and make disciples .