
  • 网络Tianjin British Concession;British concession in Tientsin
  1. 第四章分析了天津英租界各机构在市政管理中的作用及相互关系。

    The fourth chapter analyzes the roles and mutual relations of the British concession agencies in the municipal management .

  2. 第一章主要考察了天津英租界市政管理机构的形成,从英租界的形成和市政管理机构的形成两个方面进行论述。

    The first chapter mainly discusses the municipal management organization form of the British concession in Tianjin in two aspects .

  3. 天津市原英租界是外国列强在近代天津开辟的第一个租界,也是天津原九国租界中面积最大、开辟时间最久的租界。

    The former British Concession was the first concession built by the foreigners in Tianjin . It was also the biggest and longest concession in Tianjin .