
  • 网络Natural regeneration
  1. 海拔高度(r2)和坡度(r1)关联度分别为0.615,0.621,与天然更新的关联度最小,对其天然更新基本没有什么影响。

    The altitude and slope degree nearly had no effect on the natural regeneration whose relevancy degree was only 0.615 and 0.621 respectively . ( 2 ) The annual growth rhythm of Picea mongolica .

  2. 柳杉人工促进天然更新试验初报

    Preliminary Report on Promotion of Natural Regeneration by Artificial of Cryptomeria fortunei

  3. 小块状人工杉木林下更新的阔叶林幼树密度达5265株/hm2,能满足天然更新要求,林分皆伐后可天然更新恢复成常绿阔叶林;

    The density of the broad-leaf saplings is 5265 trees / hm  ̄ 2 , and the Chinese fir stand in small group can be returned to ever-green stand after it is clear cut ;

  4. 也可通过萌蘖繁殖进行天然更新,但更新能力较弱,种群净生殖率Ro<1.0,内禀增长能力rm<0,种群数量将递减。

    Sprouting is also the type of regeneration but is of weak capacity , with the net reproduction rate R o < 1.0 , intrinsic increase rate r m < 0 , which indicates the population will decrease .

  5. 堆放时间超过10a的枝堆上出现了一定数量的云冷杉幼苗,这说明堆枝可以为云冷杉天然更新的发生提供更多必要条件。

    A regular amount of the spruce-fir seedlings appear in the young branch piles reserved over 10 years , which indicates that more necessary conditions for the emergence of natural spruce-fir seedling regeneration can be provided .

  6. 小兴安岭林区人工促进天然更新策略的探讨

    Approach on Artificial Regeneration of Forests in Xiaoxing ' an Mountains

  7. 谈天然更新对恢复自然生态的影响力矿区生态恢复研究

    Research about the influence on restoring natural ecology by natural regeneration

  8. 银荆林冠下天然更新的研究

    Study on the Natural Regeneration of Acacia dealbata under Canopies

  9. 杨桦林下的生境条件与红松天然更新的研究

    Habitat under birch-aspen forest and natural recruitment of Korean pine

  10. 植物天然更新过程中种子和幼苗死亡的影响因素

    Factors influencing mortality of seed and seedling in plant nature regeneration process

  11. 天然更新檫木林竞争规律研究

    A Study on the Law of Competition in Naturally Regenerated Sassafras tzumu Forest

  12. 六盘山4种类型森林群落天然更新初探

    Regeneration of Four Types Forest Communities in Liupan Mountains

  13. 人工促进马尾松天然更新技术的研究

    A Study on the Artificial Measures Promoting Natural Regeneration of Masson 's Pine

  14. 哈尔滨城市人工林天然更新组成结构与年龄结构

    Species composition and Age Structure for Natural Regeneration of Urban Plantations in Harbin

  15. 充分利用天然更新加快更新步伐

    Using the natural regeneration to quicken the reGeneration

  16. 松果采摘对长白山自然保护区红松天然更新的影响

    Effect of cone-picking on natural regeneration of Korean pine in Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve

  17. 动物与南方红豆杉天然更新的关系研究

    Relationship between Animals and Chinese Yew 's Regeneration

  18. 人工促进天然更新培育菇木林效果调查

    Investigation on Effect of Mushroom Forest with the Function of Natural Regeneration Facilitated Artificially

  19. 影响天山云杉天然更新与幼苗存活的微生境变量分析

    Analysis on Micro-habitat Variables Affecting Natural Regeneration and Survival of Seedlings in Picea schrenkiana Stand

  20. 火烧迹地次生林天然更新株数模型的建立

    The Model of the Natural Regenerating Individuals for the Second Growth after the Burned Area

  21. 苔藓植物对植物天然更新的影响

    Effects of bryophytes on plant natural regeneration

  22. 由于林木的天然更新,已形成一个多世代、多层次近自然林群落。

    With natural regeneration , it has become a multi-generation and multi-stratum near natural-forest community .

  23. 林下植被生物量为:人促更新>天然更新>炼山人工造林。

    The vegetation biomass under woods was artificial regeneration > natural regeneration > artificial afforestation .

  24. 死、活地被物对红松伴生树种天然更新影响的实验研究林木耗水性研究述评

    Effect of litter layer on natural regeneration of companion tree species in Korean pine forest

  25. 台湾杉遗传质退化,种子发芽率低,天然更新能力差;

    Degeneration of genetic germplasms ; low germination rate of seed and bad natural regeneration potentiality ;

  26. 主要原因是针叶原始林的皆伐迹地和火烧迹地都已天然更新成林。

    The main reasons were that lands of clearcutting and fire had been regenerated and closed .

  27. 清林对云冷杉针阔混交林天然更新的影响初探

    Preliminary Exploration on the Influence of Forest Liquidation on the Natural Regeneration of Spruce-Fir Mixed Stands

  28. 天然更新米槠林处于演替的中级阶段,未达到顶级群落;

    C. carlesii forest of natural regeneration was in the middle stage of succession , and C.

  29. 不同林分林冠下天然更新的凹叶厚朴幼树特性研究

    Studies on the Characteristics of the Natural Reproductive Magnolia officinalis Saplings under Canopies of Different Stands

  30. 贵州喀斯特地区侧柏人工林天然更新效果的因子分析法研究

    Factor Analysis on Natural Regeneration of Platycladus orientalis Artificial Forest in Karst Area of Guizhou Province