
  • 网络natural food;natural diet
  1. 用天然饵料培育鲤、鲢、鳙、草鱼苗的研究

    A research on rearing of common carp , bighead carp and grass carp fry by natural food

  2. 水体浮游藻类是鱼类的主要天然饵料之一。

    Phytoplankton is one of the main natural eatables of fishes .

  3. 大鲵肌肉及其天然饵料营养成分的比较研究

    Study on nutrient composition in muscle and its natural diets of the giant salamander

  4. 湖北省大中型水库天然饵料生物鱼产潜力研究

    Studies on the Fishery Potential of Food Organisms in Large and Middle Reservoirs in Hubei Province

  5. 此外,沙蚕、鱿鱼等天然饵料中的一些未知因子也可能通过内分泌系统起关键的调控作用。

    Some unknown factors in natural diets such as bloodworm and squid may also play an important role in stimulating maturation through the endocrine system .

  6. 鼠尾藻是我国沿海常见的一种经济褐藻,营养价值较高,藻胶含量少,是海参的最佳天然饵料。

    Sargassum thunbergii is a common coastal economic brown algae of high nutritional value and low alginate content , which is the best natural bait of sea cucumber .