
  • 网络Space Launch System;sls
  1. NASA也已经开始建造一款重型火箭,名为太空发射系统(SpaceLaunchSystem),它将在以后的发射任务中搭载猎户座。

    NASA also started work on a heavy-lift rocket known as the Space Launch System that will carry Orion on future launchings .

  2. 预算中的6.51亿美元将用于支持猎户座飞船和波音为名为“太空发射系统”的登月任务建造的火箭。

    An allotment of $ 651 million will be used to support the Orion Spacecraft and the rocket that Boeing is building for the moon mission -- called the Space Launch System or SLS .

  3. 美国宇航局已经在太空发射系统上投入了至少119亿美元,该系统本该在2017年12月准备就绪。

    NASA has already spent at least $ 11.9 billion on the SLS , which was supposed to be ready by December 2017 .