
  1. 让我们星期天上班工作,那可不太行吧。

    It 's a bit off expecting us to work on Sunday .

  2. 我的法语不太行。

    I 'm useless at French .

  3. 西山是太行山的余脉。

    Xi Shan Hill in Beijing is a branch of the Taihang mountains .

  4. 这伙强盗箕踞在太行山上已经很久了。

    This band of robbers has occupied the Taihang Mountain for a long time .

  5. 墨子听到以后说:“假如要驾着好马和羊上太行山,如果是你,你是鞭打马好还是鞭打羊好呢?”

    Upon hearing this , Mo Zi said , " If you were driving a swift horse and a goat to ascend2 the Mt. Taihang , which one you would whip , the horse or the goat ? "

  6. 基于GIS的河北省太行山区农业生态地图的开发和应用研究

    Study on Exploitation and Application of Agriculture Ecosystem Map in the TaiHang Mountainous Area Using GIS

  7. 目的:研究太行山猕猴掌面和跖面的花纹强度(PI)在两性之间和左右两侧之间的差异性。

    Objective : To study the sex difference and bilateral asymmetry of palmar and plantar pattern intensity ( PI ) of Macaca mulatta .

  8. 太行山南段早元古代基性脉岩的~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar年代学及其构造意义

    ~ ( 40 ) ar - ~ ( 39 ) ar geochronology of Paleoproterozoic mafic dykes from southern Taihang Mountains and its geological significance

  9. 2007年9月,壶关太行山大峡谷成为国家4A级旅游景区。

    In September , 2007 , the Huguan Mt. Taihang Grand becomes the national 4A level traveling scenic area .

  10. 用H型量水堰和雨量计观测太行山小流域径流量、降雨量及可利用雨水资源结果表明,在太行山区实施小流域雨水集流投资少,可充分利用雨水资源,为山区经济发展创造了条件。

    The discharge , precipitation and utilizable quantity of rainwater resources were measured by H-type weir and rain gauge . The results show that catching rainwater by small watershed needs less investment and makes the best use of water resources which creates favorable conditions for economic development in Taihang Mountains .

  11. 根据中科院栾城农业生态系统综合试验站和栾城县气象站的常规观测资料,运用SWAP软件对太行山山前平原-河北省栾城县田间土壤水分运动进行了数值模拟。

    Based on the data from Luancheng Agriculture Experimental Station of CAS and Luancheng Weather Station , numerical simulation of soil water movement of farmland in the piedmont plain of the Taihang Mountains is conducted using SWAP model as an analysis tool .

  12. 应用扫描电镜对太行山猕猴和Sprague-Dawley大鼠肝细胞表面进行了观察。

    Observed the hepatocytes of Sprague-Dawley rat and monkey of mountain Tai Hang , a special structure of dent was found to be present in the membrane of hepatocytes , at the same time , microvillus in the hollow .

  13. 研究了太行山低山丘陵区板蓝根在20℃温度条件下,不同光合有效辐射(PAR)强度及不同CO2摩尔分数(CCO2)范围内叶片光合及水分生理生态参数的变化特征。

    Under the condition of 20 ℃, the different intensities of photosynthesis active radiation ( P AR ) and different ranges of CO 2 contents ( C CO 2 ), the characteristics of leaf photosynthesis and water physio-ecology of Isatis indigotica were studied in the hilly region of Taihang Mountain .

  14. 本文的尝试在于:(l)运用遥感影像解译了石家庄西部太行山区这一生态环境脆弱区,分析了其14年来的土地利用/土地覆被的动态变化;

    The innovative points of this paper are as follows : First , using the method of interpreting the image of typical fragile region in Taihang Mountain in the west of Shijiazhuang city , analyzed the dynamic change of land use and land cover during past 14 years .

  15. 太行山绿色食品鲜食葡萄基地评价

    Analysis of Base Development for Green Food Table-grape in Taihang Mountain

  16. 太行山区洪涝灾害成因分析

    Analysis of the Cause to Form Flood Damage in Taihang Mt

  17. 太行山猕猴血象分析

    Analysis on the blood picture of Tai Hang Mountain Macaca mulatta

  18. 太行山山前平原土壤有效水动态分析

    Analysis of Available Soil Moisture Changes in Taihang Mountain Piedmont Plain

  19. 太行山南段森林群落物种多样性研究

    Species Diversity of Forest Communities in Southern Taihang Mountains , Shanxi

  20. 太行山太古代阜平群中的刚玉、矽线石型矿床的成因

    Origin of corundum-sillimanite deposit in Archean Fuping group , Taihang Mountains

  21. 太行山猕猴颅骨变量主成分分析

    Principal Analysis on Skull Variables of Macaca Mulatta in Taihang Mountains

  22. 太行山低山丘陵爆破整地效益的研究

    On the benefit of soil preparation by explosion in Taihang Mountains

  23. 太行山猕猴颅骨的性别判别分析

    Analysis on the Skulls of Taihang Rhesus Macaques by Discriminant Method

  24. 太行山森林防火综合治理模式研究

    Study on Integrated Control Pattern of Forest Fire-control in Taihang Mountain

  25. 邢台西部太行山区植被调查

    Research on the vegetation in the mountainous areas of western Xingtai

  26. 华北太行山前平原农田氨挥发损失

    Ammonia volatilization from wheat-maize rotation field in the piedmont of Taihang

  27. 南太行山山地民居解读

    Comments on the Civilian Residences on the South Taihang Mountains

  28. 2太行山猕猴肺指数明显大于其它动物;

    The lung index of monkeys are larger than other wild animals ;

  29. 太行山浅山区农业生态系统几个问题的分析

    Analysis of an Agroecosystem in Low Mountain District of Taihang

  30. 让历史告诉未来&记百名老战士相聚太行山

    Let History Tell Future Hundreds of veterans are reunited in Taihang Mountains