
  • 网络solar panel;solar array
  1. 基于Hamilton变分原理,推导得到含多个压电陶瓷片的太阳能帆板模型的振动方程。

    Based on the extended Hamilton principle , the vibration equation of the solar panel substrate modal containing several PZT actuators is derived .

  2. 卫星太阳能帆板振动抑制研究

    A Study on the Active Vibration Control of Satellite Solar Panel Substrate

  3. 为实现太阳能帆板、飞机机翼等薄板类曲面的动态检测,构建了一种基于光纤光栅(FBG)的传感阵列系统。

    For realizing the surface measurement of the shell and thin sheet as well as solar array and airplane wing , the sensor array was configured based on fiber bragg grating ( FBG ) sensors .

  4. 带太阳能帆板的卫星光度特性分析

    Analysis for luminosity features of a satellite with solar battery panels

  5. 大挠性太阳能帆板航天器的姿态控制

    The Attitude Control of Spacecraft with Large Flexible Solar Array

  6. 载人航天器的发射窗口及太阳能帆板的最佳受晒

    Manned spacecraft launching window and solar array optimum sunshine

  7. 低密频太阳能帆板动力学参数在轨辨识和振动控制

    On-orbit identification and vibration control for solar arrays with low and close frequencies

  8. 基于小波变换的含间隙太阳能帆板动力学试验分析

    A wavelet transform based analysis of vibration signals from a solar array with clearance

  9. 太阳能帆板是典型的柔性空间结构,其固有频率低且密集,阻尼很小。

    Solar arrays are typical flexible space structure with low and closely spaced natural frequencies and light damping .

  10. 该分析解释了热使太阳能帆板发生扭转破坏的原因。

    The cause of the torsional vibrations of the Hubble solar arrays is explained by the thermal-dynamic analysis .

  11. 对哈勃太空望远镜的太阳能帆板,运用所提出的方法求得的数值解和文献理论解符合得较好。

    Numerical calculations presented for the solar arrays on the Hubble Space Telescope agree well with the theoretical solution .

  12. 以某型号卫星太阳能帆板为算例,验证了方法的正确性和有效性。

    A satellite solar array is presented as an illustrative example and the accuracy and effectiveness of the method are verified .

  13. 对哈勃太空望远镜太阳能帆板的热颤振行为,该方法所得数值解与文献理论解符合得较好。

    Numerical results for the thermal flutter of the solar array on the Hubble Space Telescope agree well with the analytical solution .

  14. 制作了太阳能帆板振动主动控制实验系统,并对太阳能帆板模型进行振动主动控制实验。

    An experimental system for vibration active control is designed according to the vibration equation , and the active vibration control experiment is performed .

  15. 利用光纤光栅传感头获取板面的空间曲率信息,提出基于递推法的三维太阳能帆板的面型重构方法。

    The method ensures that the surfaces are smooth in the curvature space , and maintain the details , features and optimize the normals .

  16. 用颗粒增强铝基复合材料替代传统的结构材料,应用于航天空间站上的太阳能帆板展开桁架装置。

    Instead of traditional constructive materials , SiC particle reinforced aluminum matrix composites are applied for these boom parts of the apparatus on aerospace station .

  17. 由于太阳能帆板表面结构的特殊性,传统的测量方法都不能满足其平面度测量的要求。

    Because of the particularity of surface structure of solar panel substrate , the classical measuring methods can not satisfy the requirements of planeness measurement .

  18. 充气太阳能帆板是一种通过气体驱动支撑管展开的新型太阳能帆板。

    The inflatable solar array ( ISA ) is a new kind of solar array deployed by gas to be injected into its supporting booms .

  19. 本文介绍了一种新型的太阳能帆板平面度测量系统,并对其中的标定方法进行了详细的研究。

    A new type of solar panel substrate planeness measuring system is introduced in this paper , and the calibration method has been studied thoroughly .

  20. 漂移的太空垃圾可能与太阳能帆板发生碰撞,帆板结构的动力学特性也是设计需要考虑的重要指标。

    The drifting space junk may collides with the solar panels . The dynamics characteristic of the structure is an important indicator when spacecraft was designed .

  21. 根据此方案进行展开机构结构设计,设计出具有可重复展开功能的太阳能帆板展开机构。

    According to the scheme , I proceed to design the unfolded mechanism and have achieved a solar energy sailboard unfolded mechanism with repeatable unfolded function .

  22. 随着航天事业的飞速发展,柔性结构在航天飞行器中的应用越来越广泛,如太阳能帆板。

    With the rapid development of space industry , the flexible structures , such as solar panels , are applied more and more widely in the spacecrafts .

  23. 太阳能帆板是给航天器提供能源的重要装置,以压电陶瓷为做动器的智能结构可以有效地抑制卫星太阳能帆板在太空中的振动。

    Solar panel substrate is the important energy provider for the spacecraft , and its vibration can be effectively suppressed by the use of piezoelectric ( PZT ) actuators .

  24. 然而随着以航天器太阳能帆板和舰船浮筏结构等为代表的柔性结构的日益大型化和柔性化,对这些大型柔性结构的振动控制变得比较困难。

    However , due to the flexible structures of spacecrafts and ships are getting larger and more flexible , the vibration control of these structures becomes more and more difficult .

  25. 太阳能帆板的平面度测量是卫星生产制造过程中的一个关键技术,现有的测量方法存在着精度差,效率低的问题。

    The planeness measurement of solar panel substrate is a key problem in the manufacture procedure of satellite . The current measuring methods have the problems such as low precision and low efficiency .

  26. 该文在基于实际工程课题的太阳能帆板平面度测量系统基础上,针对测量系统中光斑图像处理这一关键技术进行了详细的研究。

    Based on the actual engineering project of the solar panel substrate planeness measuring system , a detailed analysis of the key technique of the image processing of light spot in the measuring system is presented .

  27. 对于诸如哈勃望远镜的太阳能帆板主梁这种薄壁管在外层空间受到太阳等星体的辐射加热,其热变形是值得关注的。

    The thermal deformation of the thin-walled tubes under the heat flux from the sun and other celestial bodies , such as the main boom of solar array of the Hubble Space Telescope , is extensively concerned .

  28. 理论计算表明,虽然太阳能帆板的漫反射率要比卫星主体低30倍,但在卫星地面照度的计算和实际观测中仍不应忽略。

    Theoretical calculation shows that the diffuse reflection index of solar battery panels is 30 times lower than that of main satellite body , but it still cannot be ignored in calculation of ground irradiance of satellite and practical observations .

  29. 航天器太阳能帆板在外层空间受到太阳等星体的辐射循环加热,高低温下的热变形和热振动对帆板结构的安全可靠性有着重要影响。

    Solar panels of spacecraft in outer space is heated by the radiation of the sun and the other stars . The thermal deformation and thermal vibration of the structure of the panels induced by the temperature field have an important impact to the security and reliability .

  30. 卫星太阳能帆板是空间轻薄结构,其动力学行为较为复杂,直接影响到卫星的姿态稳定性,是卫星控制工作中必须考虑的重要因素。

    Solar panel on man-made satellite is a kind of flimsy structure in aerospace . Dynamic behavior of solar panel is an important factor necessary to be taken into consideration in satellite control , in that it is relatively complex and directly influences the orientation stability of the satellite .