
  • 网络solar radiation heat
  1. 前者如温度湿度、太阳辐射热及大气中CO2的作用,不管所处的环境如何,这是任何混凝土都不可避免要遭受的劣化因子;

    There is common destroy gene , such as the effect of temperature , humidity , the radiant heat of the sun and CO_2 in the air , it is inescapability to any concrete structure .

  2. 接下来研究了SBR反应器的热量散失并得出了数学模型,研究了SBR反应器水体吸收太阳辐射热的数学模型。

    Furthermore , the heat dissipation of SBR reactor is studied and the mathematical model is gained . Additionally , it is researched that the water body absorbs solar radiation energy in SBR reactor and the mathematical model is built .

  3. EHTV指标中考虑了外墙、外窗、屋面的温差传热及太阳辐射热作用,也包括了围护结构在动态热作用下的蓄热和放热影响。

    The EHTV considered thermal transfer by differ temperature and solar radiation of wall windows and roof , it also included the affect of regenerator and radiation of envelop in dynamic heat transfer .

  4. 太阳辐射热对碾压混凝土施工的影响

    Study on Impact to RCC Construction from Solar Radiant Heat

  5. 夏季庭院对太阳辐射热的遮挡作用

    The yard shielding dffect for solar radiation by in summer

  6. 雷达天线太阳辐射热效应数值分析与试验

    Experiment and numeric simulation on radar antenna of the solar related thermal effect

  7. 太阳辐射热观测资料的分析研究

    Analyses and investigations on the data of solar radiation

  8. 管道壁传热温升的计算应在传统热工计算的基础上,补充考虑以下五个因素:1、太阳辐射热的吸热量;

    Main factors . Except these , the paper gives another five factors as follows : 1 . The radiation heat from the sun to pipelines ;

  9. 在现代化的公共建筑中,越来越多地采用玻璃幕墙,而这类建筑室内热环境受太阳辐射热的影响比一般建筑更为显著。

    Nowadays the design of modern public buildings often adopts glass-wall , indoor thermal environment with glass-wall are influenced by solar heat higher degree than other kind of buildings .

  10. 为了改变运输过程中太阳辐射热造成的小环境增温,使用在塑料编织布上涂反射膜的方法,降低太阳辐射增温。

    For reducing the increasing temperature effect of the solar radiation on Mango transportation , the new method that the reflex film was spreaded on the plastic weave cloth was suggested .

  11. 混凝土桥梁的温度变化受环境影响,其伸缩变形主要是年气温变化的结果,太阳辐射热的影响也应予以考虑。

    Temperature variations in concrete bridge are affected by environment . Dilation deformations of concrete bridge are mainly resulted from the annual air temperature variations as well as the effect of solar radiation .

  12. 为了减少建筑物夏季所得的太阳辐射热同时又不影响冬季日照,需要对建筑体形进行优化设计。

    In order to minimize solar heat gain on the external surface of buildings in the summer and maximize the solar heat in the winter , it is necessary to optimize the building configuration design .

  13. 由于水的蓄热和蒸发作用,可大量消耗投射在屋面上的太阳辐射热,降低屋面温度,减少通过屋面的传热量,起到隔热作用。

    Because the accumulation of heat of water and evaporate fit are used , can use up in great quantities project the sun radiate on roofing is heated up , drop roofing temperature , reduce those who pass roofing to pass quantity of heat , have adiabatic effect .

  14. 利用Gebhart方法分析轿车车室内壁面的太阳辐射得热

    Solar Energy Gain of Automotive Compartment Inner Surfaces Calculated with Gebhart Net-radiation Method

  15. 空调客车室内太阳辐射换热比例分布研究

    Study on distribution proportion of solar radiation in air - conditioned bus

  16. 以重庆地区为例,探讨了炎热地区夏季南向和西向窗户的太阳辐射得热问题。

    Studies the solar radiation gained by south and west oriented windows in Chongqing .

  17. 通过三层玻璃窗进入室内的太阳辐射得热公式的探讨

    The Investigation of Solar Heat Gain Formula for Triple Glazing Windows of the Room

  18. 分析了窗户热传递传热及太阳辐射得热的传热计算模型。

    Calculation model for both heat transfer and solar radiation through windows was analyzed .

  19. 不同朝向玻璃窗太阳辐射得热系数模拟与实验研究

    Simulation and Experiment Study on solar heat gain coefficient of glass windows in different direction

  20. 根据遮阳与日照的计算关系,建立了遮阳与外窗太阳辐射得热模型。

    According to the calculation relationship of shade and sun , model of solar heat gain of shade and window are established . 3 .

  21. 结果表明,影响最大的参数为温室覆盖材料对太阳辐射和热辐射的透射率以及作物占温室土壤表面积的比例。

    The results show that the solar and thermal infrared transmittance of the cover and the proportion of soil surface occupied by vegeta (?) appear as the most influential parameters .

  22. 建立了玻璃窗室内蓄热平板模型,将玻璃窗的太阳辐射得热转化为瞬时冷负荷。

    According to the DeST furniture plate model , the glazing indoor heat storage plate model was also established , which converts solar radiation heat gain into instantaneous cooling load .

  23. 良好的自然采光需要较大的窗口面积,但另一方面,大的窗口面积会增加太阳辐射得热,进而增加空调能耗。

    Big window area is required to get good natural lighting , on the other hand , big window area will increase the solar heat gain , then the cooling energy will be increased .

  24. 与通用的气象学模式不同的是,本文重点考虑了林冠内部的太阳辐射和热辐射过程、树木的蒸腾作用、冠层几何学特点以及叶子的生理学特性等。

    The main factors we consider in present model are : the radiation of the sun and thermal processes within a forest canopy , the evapotranspiration of the tree , the geometric feature of the canopy , and the physiologic properties of leaves etc.

  25. 对冰面太阳辐射、海洋热通量以及拖曳系数等参数进行了计算,对其特点以及对海冰生消和运移的影响进行了分析和讨论。

    Their characteristics and influence on the ice growth and drift were discussed .

  26. 太阳辐射对高温热管接收器传热的影响比吸收率,单位时间内单位质量的物质吸收的电磁辐射能量

    Effect of solar radiation on heat transfer of high temperature heat pipe solar power receiver SAR Specific Absorption Rate

  27. 甚至在南极,夏至那天从太阳吸收的辐射热,也与互相间隔五英尺的一千瓦电炉组成的电炉网所放出的热量相等。

    Even at the South Pole the radiation received from the sun at Midsummer 's day equals the heat from a network of one-kilowatt electric fires , spaced five feet apart .

  28. 大气辐射传输是指太阳辐射能和热辐射能以电磁波的形式在大气中的传播输送和转化,它是大气物理活动的最主要动力来源。

    Atmospheric radiative transfer is the transport and transformation of solar radiation and thermal radiation in the form of electromagnetic wave , which is the main driving force of atmospheric sources of physical activity .

  29. 通过理论计算分析、现场实验测试和计算机模拟相结合的研究方法对室内外温差传热,特别是太阳辐射通过窗户热屏系统进入室内的过程进行了理论分析。

    Firstly , based on the research of predecessors , theoretic analyze the process of heat transfer difference in indoor and outdoor temperature , especially on the solar radiation which through the windows thermal shield System enter into the room .

  30. 太阳辐射是影响建筑热状况的重要外扰,在建筑热过程分析时,必须加以准确的考虑。

    Solar radiation is an important external disturbance affecting thermal environment of buildings .