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shī qù
  • lose;down;bereft
失去 [shī qù]
  • (1) [lose]

  • (2) 原有的不再具有

  • 失去社会地位

  • (3) 没有取得或没有把握住

  • 失去机会

失去[shī qù]
  1. 他刚尝到了自由的甜头,却又失去了。

    He had tasted freedom only to lose it again .

  2. 我可不想失去排队的位置。

    I don 't want to lose my place in the line .

  3. 事故之后他有几个星期失去记忆。

    He suffered loss of memory for weeks after the accident .

  4. 他在一次事故中失去了双腿的功能。

    He lost the use of his legs in an accident .

  5. 他得忍受六个月失去自由之苦。

    He had to endure six months ' loss of liberty .

  6. 她的两条胳膊好像完全失去知觉了。

    She seemed to have lost all sensation in her arms .

  7. 想到所失去的东西,我真想痛哭一场。

    I could have wept thinking about what I 'd missed .

  8. 这座城市和这个州失去了一位伟大的领袖。

    The city and the Commonwealth have lost a great leader .

  9. 她不喜欢成为电视名人后随之失去个人隐私。

    She dislikes the loss of privacy that attends TV celebrity .

  10. 她懊悔跟玛丽失去了联系。

    She was sorry that she 'd lost contact with Mary .

  11. 失去心爱的人是无法补偿的。

    Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one .

  12. 罢工使他们失去了几千英镑的生意。

    The strike cost them thousands of pounds in lost business .

  13. 这家代理机构失去了几家最重要的老客户。

    The agency has lost several of its most important accounts .

  14. 那时我已经对此想法失去兴趣了。

    By that time I had lost interest in the idea .

  15. 自从价格上涨以来我们失去了很多生意。

    We 've lost a lot of custom since prices went up .

  16. 所有这些批评使她彻底失去了信心。

    All the criticism had left her feeling totally deflated .

  17. 他失去平衡摔倒在地上。

    He lost his balance and fell to the ground .

  18. 西班牙中部在经济上已失去了其主导地位。

    Economically , the centre of Spain has lost its dominant role .

  19. 许多生活在福利院里的人已经失去了个性意识。

    Many people living in institutions have lost their sense of self .

  20. 一辆卡车在山上失去了控制。

    A truck ran out of control on the hill .

  21. 在改组过程中南方电视公司失去了特许经营权。

    In the reorganization , Southern Television lost their franchise .

  22. 她在冰上开车失去了控制。

    She lost control of her car on the ice .

  23. 她一时间似乎失去了勇气。

    Her courage seemed to desert her for a moment .

  24. 孩子们似乎已失去阅读的乐趣。

    Children seem to have lost their enjoyment in reading .

  25. 他在第二轮中被击倒失去了知觉。

    He was knocked out cold in the second round .

  26. 我们一直生活在担心失去工作的阴影里。

    We lived in constant fear of losing our jobs .

  27. 亲属需要时间痛悼他们失去的至爱。

    Relatives need time to grieve over loved ones they have lost .

  28. 他一想到有可能失去她,就觉得难以忍受。

    He could not reconcile himself to the prospect of losing her .

  29. 驾驶员失去控制,车猛地转向左侧。

    The driver lost control and veered to the nearside .

  30. 昨晚的失败使这个队失去了获得资格的机会。

    The defeat last night killed the team 's chances of qualifying .