
tóu xiàng
  • head sculpture;head (portrait or sculpture)
头像 [tóu xiàng]
  • [head (portrait or sculpture)] 人头部的像

头像[tóu xiàng]
  1. 提起埃及文明,我们首先浮现在脑海中的,可能是巍峨的金字塔、神秘的斯芬克斯像,当然还会有美艳的奈菲尔提提王后头像。

    When we mentioned ancient Egyptian civilization , perhaps it is the majestic Great Pyramid , the silent sphinx in the yellow sand which will come into our brain . Of course , there will be glamorous head sculpture of queen Nefertiti .

  2. 各种杂志的封面都有她的头像。

    Her face was on the cover of every magazine .

  3. 他们把他的头像贴在别人的躯干上。

    They had superposed a picture of his head onto someone else 's body .

  4. 有人说它的头像马。

    Some people say it has a head like a horse .

  5. 我终于意识到,穿紫色或者换头像来支持精神日(spiritday)是一种懒人行动主义。

    I had eventually come to the realization1 that wearing purple , or changing your avatar in support of spirit day , is an act of slacktivism .

  6. 别用合照做头像,不然不知道哪个是你。

    Don 't use a group photo as your avatar , or many people won 't know which person is you .

  7. 不管怎么样,我们凭着直觉创建头像时,它就会反应出我们的敏感度、个性以及喜好。

    Either way , when we create a character instinctually , it reveals enormous amounts about our sensitivities , personality and priorities .

  8. 比如脸书,它会让你留在网站上,一直给你看有趣的视频和头像。

    For example : Facebook , FB will be keep you stick to its website and keep showing you funny videos , profile pictures .

  9. 所以如果你想让社交网站上的头像显得漂亮,就选一张和朋友的合照吧。

    Therefore if you want your profile picture on social media sites to be perceived as attractive , opt for a group shot with friends .

  10. 他们会对自己的网络行为设定界限,会避免每天换头像或者随时把个人想法分享到微博等平台等这样的行为。

    They limit their online activities . They avoid habits like changing their profile3 picture daily and putting every thought they have on Twitter / Weibo .

  11. 气场强大的男人,头像一般是动漫人物,气场不强的男人,头像是真相。

    a man with a strong aura field usually chooses comic figures as his avatar , while a weak man 's avatar often is a photo of himself .

  12. 混迹网络许久的人们大概都会有过十几个头像,不过有人说,你选的第一个头像是最像你自己的。

    People who have been surfing the Internet for a long time may have dozens of avatars that they 've created over the years , but more often than not , they say that the first avatar you create is the most like yourself .

  13. 而这意味着一件事&我们将看到更多令人毛骨悚然、却又不由惊叹的3D合成头像。

    And that means one thing : more creepy-yet-astonishing 3D-generated heads .

  14. 头像和用户,这是facebook最擅长的部分。

    Faces and people are what Facebook knows all about .

  15. 在威尼斯新标志上,是一头长翅膀的孛艮第狮子的头像,背景是一个大金字“V”。

    The logo is a burgundy lion 's face with one wing over a large golden V.

  16. 克林顿夫人欣然接受这样的形象,把它用作自己的Twitter头像。

    Mrs. Clinton embraced the image , making it her Twitter avatar .

  17. 除了“朋友的朋友(friendsoffriends)”列表之外,还获取每个朋友的消息记录和头像。

    In addition to the " friends of friends " list , each friend 's timeline is retrieved , along with that friend 's profile image .

  18. 我的邮件联系人中只有一半在显示时带有自动从Facebook抓取的资料头像。

    Only half of my email contacts ' names appeared with profile photos automatically pulled in from Facebook .

  19. Facebook还公开了头像照片、性别、当前城市以及好友名单等此前私密的信息。

    Facebook also made public formerly private info such as profile pictures , gender , current city and the friends list .

  20. 美国财政部(theUSDepartmentoftheTreasury)表示,那时一个特殊的财政委员选择他们作为纸币新头像的候选人,因为他们被视为永远为人们所熟知的人。

    That 's when a special treasury committee selected them due to their permanent familiarity in the minds of the public , according to the US Department of the Treasury .

  21. 美国财政部(theUSDepartmentoftheTreasury)表示,那时一个特殊的财政委员选择他们作为纸币新头像的候选人,因为他们被视为“永远为人们所熟知的人”。

    That 's when a special treasury committee selected them due to their " permanent familiarity in the minds of the public , " according to the US Department of the Treasury .

  22. 唯一的理由是头像不会顶部票房泰坦尼克是,有没有足够的世界各地的数字屏幕,以显示其所有的3D它奇迹。

    The only reason that Avatar won 't top Titanic at the box office is that there are not enough digital screens around the world to show it in all its3D wonder .

  23. 目前状况:SaintLaurent's的合伙人宣称他将会自己保有这两个头像,并且他对拍卖的流产表示很震惊。

    Current Status : Saint Laurent 's partner said he plans to keep the heads and is " thrilled " the sale failed .

  24. Avatar指能够代表用户个人或其性格的一个图像,即我们常说的“头像”或“个人秀”。

    An avatar is the graphical representation of the user or the user 's alter ego or character .

  25. 这款新的网页电子邮件服务还整合了推特(Twitter)、Facebook和LinkedIn等社交网站,可以在用户打开邮件时显示发件人在这些网站的头像和状态更新。

    The new Web-email service also incorporates social networks like Twitter , Facebook and LinkedIn , displaying profile photos and status updates alongside email messages .

  26. 回想以前,每当QQ上跳动着你的QQ头像时,那一刻,我是多么地激动!

    Back on the QQ , whenever you beat the moment when the head , QQ , how excited I was !

  27. 如果某个人注册了Facebook但我们不是好友,我会看到那个人的资料头像,以及加他为好友的链接。

    If someone was registered on Facebook but we weren 't friends , I saw that person 's profile photo and a link to add the person as a friend .

  28. 在iOS版本中,Facebook可滚动显示的好友列表以显示好友的名字为主,名字边上的好友头像尺寸很小,有时候甚至难以分辨。

    In the IOS version , that scrollable list of Facebook friends is dominated by friends ' names alongside tiny , sometimes inscrutable , profile images .

  29. 货币专家弗迪雷克·巴特(FrederickBart)说道:在南北战争时期,某个低级职员把他们自己的头像印到钞票上。

    Some lowly clerk put his image on currency during the Civil War , says currency expert Frederick Bart .

  30. 塔布曼将取代前美国总统安德鲁•杰克逊(AndrewJackson),印在新版20美元纸币的正面,而杰克逊的头像将印在反面白宫图像旁。

    Tubman will replace former president Andrew Jackson on the new $ 20 bill while Jackson will be on the reverse alongside an image of the White House .