
  1. 玻璃钢夹芯材料的应用对FRP夹层结构水箱失效技术原因分析

    FRP Sandwich structure materials application technical reason analysis of sandwich FRP water tank failure

  2. 通过准静态压缩性能测试,研究不同相对密度的四棱锥点阵夹芯材料的准静态压缩性能以及能量吸收性能。

    The static compressive mechanical behaviors and energy absorption performance of the fabricated pyramidal lattice truss sandwich samples were studied by the quasi-static compression tests .

  3. 本文利用木质面板与和纸质蜂窝材料复合,该夹芯材料不但保留了原蜂窝材料的优点,而且还大大提高了力学强度。

    The sandwich construction which was consisted of wooden faceplate with a paper honeycomb retained the original advantages of the honeycomb material and greatly increased the mechanical intensity .

  4. 根据夹层结构原理,就木质蜂窝夹芯材料抗弯性能进行研究,同时根据三点外伸梁和简支梁原理对夹芯结构的抗弯刚度进行了理论分析。

    The effect of the layers and the way of gluing of CFRP to the RC beams strengthened with CFRP sheets on flexural performance and mechanical performance is studied .

  5. Z向增强高阻燃泡沫夹芯复合材料成型工艺研究

    Research on Molding Process of Z-Dimensional Reinforced High-Fire-Retardant Foam Sandwich Composites

  6. 将应力波因子(SWF)技术与智能材料结构技术相结合,对蜂窝夹芯复合材料的损伤实现在线、主动监测。

    Combining stress wave factor technique with smart materials and structures technique , this paper achieves on line and active damage detection in honeycomb core sandwich composite .

  7. 高速机构用夹芯复合材料横板模态试验分析

    Modal Test and Analysis of Sandwich Composite Beams for High-speed Mechanisms

  8. A型夹芯复合材料在地面雷达天线罩中的应用

    Application of A-Type Laminated Compound Material in Ground-based Antenna Radome

  9. 斜入射下水中隐身夹芯复合材料附体结构声学设计

    Acoustic stealth design of underwater sandwich composite added structure under oblique incidence

  10. 碳纤维夹芯复合材料的结构性能研究

    Experimental Study on the Structural Behaviour of Carbon Fiber Cored Composite Materials

  11. 双层夹芯复合材料结构横向冲击响应实验

    Experimental investigation on response of two-core sandwich composite structures under transverse impact

  12. 剪切变形对夹芯复合材料悬臂箱梁挠度的影响

    Flexibility Effect of Shearing Deformation on Cantilever Box Girder of Sandwich Composite Materials

  13. 夹芯复合材料悬臂箱梁初等梁理论适应性分析

    Adaptability Analysis of Primary Beam Theory on Cantilever Box Girder of Sandwich Composite Materials

  14. 一种求解各向异性夹芯复合材料锥壳弯曲、稳定和振动问题的有效方法

    An effective approach for bending , buckling and vibration of anisotropic sandwiched composite conical shells

  15. 该文针对含有开孔和孔边补强的蜂窝夹芯复合材料层合结构的屈曲分析发展了一套三维有限元求解方案。

    A three-dimensional finite element model was used to analyze buckling in honeycomb sandwich laminated structures with cutouts and reinforcements .

  16. 然而,现在大多数的夹芯结构材料都是面板和芯材粘结在一起,这就使得这些夹芯结构芯材与面板的界面性能薄弱。

    But most face sheets of these sandwich structures are bonded to the cores , which can make interfaces have lower performance .

  17. 主要内容有以下三个部分:(1)整体中空夹芯复合材料芯材的结构设计和预制件的制备。

    The main research contents consist of the following three parts : ( 1 ) Design core fiber structure and prepare the performs .

  18. 文章研究了受初始静载荷作用下夹芯复合材料曲梁的面板的局部自由振动问题,并给出一种相应的理论分析方法。

    A theoretical approach is provided to investigate the problem of local free vibration of an initially stressed curved sandwich beam in this paper .

  19. 从粘弹性材料的本构关系出发,应用复特征值理论推导了夹芯复合材料结构阻尼的计算方法;

    The complex eigenvalue method was applied to analyze the damping of sandwich composite structures taking into account the constitutive relation of viscoelastic material .

  20. 提出一种三层32结点温度壳单元,对蜂窝夹芯复合材料壳体的瞬态温度场进行了有限元分析。

    A kind of three layered 32-node temperature shell element is presented for the transient temperature field FEM analysis of the honeycomb sandwich composite shell .

  21. 具有周期性排列特征的复合夹芯结构材料作为一类新型轻质高强结构材料,在航天航空领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    As a new ultra-lightweight high strength structural material , composite structural material with periodic lattice cores has prospects to be applied widely in the aerospace field .

  22. 本文通过碳纤维夹芯复合材料梁的四点受弯试验和碳纤维夹芯复合材料短柱的轴心受压试验,研究了碳纤维夹芯复合材料的结构性能和破坏机理。

    Based on the four point flexural test of beam and axial compress test of puncheon , the paper studied the structural performance and failure mechanism of Carbon Fiber Cored Composite Materials .

  23. 大型蜂窝共底构件是液体运载火箭末级推进剂箱的一个关键部件,它是由蜂窝夹芯复合材料和上、下薄铝合金蒙皮粘接固化而成的。

    The large-scale honeycomb structure , an important component of the last stage fuel tank of launch vehicles , is composed of the honeycomb sandwich and thin aluminum alloy sheets with ellipsoid shape .

  24. 阐述了无人机蜂窝夹芯复合材料结构件工艺装备的设计与制造的发展过程及各种加工方法的优缺点。

    The process of the design and manufacture method of toolings which are used for honeycomb sandwich composite structure in UAV is studied and then the advantages and disadvantages of every manufacturing method are discussed .

  25. 本文在分析国内外最新研究成果的基础上,提出了以轻质木材为芯材,环氧树脂为基体,单向碳纤维布为增强材料的碳纤维夹芯复合材料的设计概念。

    Based on the last words about composite , this paper presented the design concept of Carbon Fiber Cored Composite Material which adopted the light weight timber as the core , epoxy resin , unilateralism carbon fiber sheet .

  26. EPS隔热夹芯板原材料及工艺设备

    Raw material and technology as well as equipments of EPS insulation sandwich board

  27. 泡沫铝夹芯柱体材料在汽车保险杠中的应用

    Study About Automobile Bumper of Column with Aluminum Foam Filler

  28. 夹芯结构复合材料以其轻质、高强及一系列功能性等优点而得到研究者的青睐。

    The Sandwich structure composite is interested by researchers because of its lighter weight , higher specific strength and a series of functionality .

  29. 研究结果表明:在CF/KF夹芯混杂复合材料中,面层纤维的种类和铺层数量对材料的力学性能和阻尼性能有着重要的影响。

    The results show that the category and quantity of outermost fibers have significant influence on the damping and mechanical properties of composites .

  30. 简述了红外热波无损检测的原理,并利用红外热波无损检测系统对铝蜂窝夹芯结构复合材料和泡沫夹芯结构复合材料的胶接界面脱粘缺陷进行了检测。

    Principle of infrared thermal wave non destructive evaluations ( NDE ) is presented . Debonding flaws of aluminum honeycomb core composites and foam core composites are inspected by an infrared thermal wave imaging system .