
  • 网络parity check;parity checking;BIP
  1. 基于奇偶校验的Petri网控制器故障检测

    Fault detection based on parity checks in Petri net controller

  2. 奇偶校验矩阵H是决定一个LDPC码性能的关键。

    Parity check matrix H is a key for the performance of LDPC codes .

  3. 用神经元MOS实现了奇偶校验码系统。

    Parity check system based on neuron-MOS is designed .

  4. 多重级联奇偶校验码的FPGA实现一种新型的多维Turbo码联合交织器设计

    The FPGA Implement of Multi-Dimensional Concatenated Single Parity Check Codes ; A New Joint Interleaver Design for Multiple Turbo Codes

  5. 本文提供了一种大容量、带有奇偶校验电路的动态RAM扩充板的快速测试法。

    A fast testing algorithm for dynamic RAM board over 32K words with parity generator / checker is presented .

  6. 提出了一种AES算法的抗差分差错分析的并发错误检测方法&二维奇偶校验方法。

    A two-dimensional parity-based concurrent error detection method for AES algorithm against differential fault attack is proposed .

  7. 低密度奇偶校验(Low-densityparitycheck)码以其卓越的性能、极低的解码复杂度,在通信领域正得到越来越多的关注。

    Low-Density Parity Check ( LDPC ) code has excellent performance and the complexity of its decoding algorithm is low .

  8. 常用的差错检测方法通过采用奇偶校验、校验和和CRC等编码来实现;

    Parity checking , checksum and CRC coding are commonly used in the error detection technology .

  9. 介绍差错控制方式,重点分析了自动重发请求方式中的奇偶校验与CRC。

    Introducing error control mode , analysing parity check and CRC in auto request repeat mode .

  10. 通过硬件上奇偶校验与软件上循环冗余校验(CRC)的实现,完成了系统的智能纠错功能;

    The realization of intelligent correction is based on odd or even in hardware and CRC in software .

  11. 低密度奇偶校验(LowDensityParityCheck:LDPC)码具有接近香农极限的优异纠错性能,近年来受到广泛关注。

    Low Density Parity Check ( LDPC ) codes can achieve excellent error-correcting performance close to the benchmark predicted by the Shannon theory , and it attracts much more attention in recent years .

  12. Turbo码的发明并成功的应用使得低密度奇偶校验(LDPC)码重新被发现。

    With the invention and successful of turbo code , Low Density Parity Check ( LDPC ) code was rediscovered .

  13. 提出了一种改进的低密度奇偶校验(LDPC)码串行译码算法。

    A modified serial decoding algorithm for low-density parity-check ( LDPC ) codes is proposed .

  14. 多主PPI协议的应用报文格式选用西门子公司200系列PLC内部封装的PPI协议规定的格式,奇偶校验检错。

    The format of the code is binary message of the PLC encapsulating inside and odd-even check is used for picking up faults .

  15. 对比分析奇偶校验与CRC对通信系统的可靠性,实践结论表明CRC可靠性远远高于奇偶校验。

    The analytical comparison of the reliability of communication between parity check and CRC shows that the CRC is more reliable . 6 .

  16. 信道编译码一直是通信理论中的研究热点,低密度奇偶校验码(Low-DensityParity-CheckCodes,LDPC)就是研究热点之一。

    The channel coding theory is a hot research on communication system , and one of them is Low-density-parity-check codes ( LDPC ) .

  17. 对基于多进制低密度奇偶校验(LDPC)码的分布式视频编码性能进行研究。

    This paper researches distributed video coding performance based on n-nary Low Density Parity Check ( LDPC ) code .

  18. 基于池中设备数量,ZFS支持各种不同的的奇偶校验方案。

    ZFS supports a variety of parity schemes based on the number of devices in the pool .

  19. 结合实例提出WINDOWSNTSERVER如何用软件方法实现磁盘镜像和含奇偶校验带区组两种容错技术,从而保证WINDOWSNTSERVER上数据的安全可靠。

    An example is presented to show how Windows NT server implements disk mirroring and disk striping with parity by means of software so as to assure the data on Windows NT server secure and reliable .

  20. 低密度奇偶校验(LDPC)码由于具有接近香农限的性能和高速并行的译码结构而成为研究热点。

    Low-density parity-check ( LDPC ) codes have received intensive research for their capacity-approaching performance and highly parallelizable decoder architecture .

  21. BIP-N奇偶校验误码监视方式是SDH(同步数字序列)的特色之一。

    The supervising method of BIP-N odd-even error checking code is one of the features of SDH .

  22. 最普遍的RAID实现是RAID5,这将条带化一个磁盘以外的所有数据并在剩余磁盘上创建奇偶校验片段。

    The most popular RAID implementation is RAID 5 , which stripes the data across all but one disk and creates a parity segment on the remaining disk .

  23. 低密度奇偶校验(Low-DensityParity-Check,LDPC)码是一种先进的信道编码技术,它具有逼近香农限的纠错性能。

    Low-Density Parity-Check ( LDPC ) codes are one kind of error control codes , whose performance can be near Shannon limit .

  24. 针对DVB-S2标准中的低密度奇偶校验(LDPC)码,提出了一种LDPC编码器设计结构。

    An encoder architecture of low density parity check ( LDPC ) code defined in DVB-S2 standard is proposed .

  25. 为了提高跳频通信的抗干扰性能,将低密度奇偶校验(LDPC)码与跳频通信相结合。

    Frequency-hopping communication was combined with the Low-Density Parity-Check ( LDPC ) code to improve anti-jamming performance of frequency hopping communications .

  26. 针对有限状态Markov信道,提出一种改进的低密度奇偶校验码(low-DensityParity-check,LDPC)译码算法,并给出其因子图表示。

    An improved decoding algorithm for low-density parity-check code ( LDPC ) on finite-state Markov channels was presented and the corresponding factor graph representation was given .

  27. 作为信道纠错码的一种,低密度奇偶校验码(LDPC)以其较低的译码复杂度和逼近香农极限的良好性能成为当今信道编解码领域最瞩目的研究热点。

    Low-density Parity-Check ( LDPC ) code is distinguished in channel encoding and decoding realm for its low implementation complexity and near-to-Shannon-limit performance .

  28. 利用奇偶校验电路诊断T-S-T数字交换网络中的多重故障

    Multiple Fault Diagnosis in T-S-T Digital Switching Networks Using Parity Checkers

  29. 低密度奇偶校验码(LDPC码)的研究和实现,是继Turbo码之后在纠错编码领域的又一重大进展。

    Low density parity check ( LDPC ) codes , which are recognized as the most significant breakthrough after Turbo codes , draws increasing attention from all over the world .

  30. 本文介绍低密度奇偶校验码(LDPC)的基本原理,包括它的基本特性、编码方式、译码算法原理。

    This paper introduces the principles of Low-density parity check ( LDPC ) codes , including the basic characteristic , encoding scheme , decoding scheme .