
  1. 奇翼龙非常的与众不同,它有着与其他鸟类及近亲完全不同的翅膀。

    ' This dinosaur is totally different . It has totally different wings from all other birds and their close relatives . '

  2. 徐星教授及同事的研究分析结果发表在了《自然》期刊上,表明了奇翼龙可能能够像现代鼯鼠那样滑行。

    Analysis by Professor Xu and his colleagues , which is published in the journal Nature , suggest that it is likely the dinosaur glided , perhaps like modern flying squirrels .

  3. 参与该项研究的山东临沂大学的郑晓廷教授说:奇翼龙生活在侏罗纪时代,所以它算是鸟类支系飞翔演化过程中的一个先锋。

    Professor Zheng Xiaoting , from Linyi University in Shandong who also took part in the study , said : ' Yi qi lived in the Jurassic , so it was a pioneer in the evolution of flight on the line to birds .