
  • 网络ned;Schneider
  1. 例如,在《权力的游戏》第一季中肖恩•比恩(SeanBean)扮演的贵族奈德•斯塔克(NedStark)被斩首之后,互联网上一片哗然。

    There was , for example , an internet outcry after Sean Bean , who played noble Ned Stark in series one of Game of Thrones , was - spoiler alert - beheaded .

  2. 他伸出软绵绵的手碰碰奈德。

    He reached out and touched Ned with a soft hand .

  3. 我们得等等,奈德还没来呢

    We gotta hang on . Ned 's not here yet .

  4. 奈德的父亲在股票市场发了一笔大财。

    Ned 's father made a killing on the stock market .

  5. 奈德啜着酒,听他继续往下说。

    Ned sipped his wine and let the man go on .

  6. 要是奈德也能对他说同样的话就好了。

    Would that Ned had been able to say the same .

  7. 鲁温学士见状立刻别过头去,连奈德都被她突如其来的举动给吓住。

    Maester Luwin averted his eyes . Even Ned looked shocked .

  8. 0.05%地奈德乳剂治疗内源性湿疹的临床研究

    Clinic Study of Endogenous Eczema Treated by 0.05 % Desonide Cream

  9. 我知道是他们干的,奈德.是兰尼斯特家.

    I know they did it , Ned . The Lannisters .

  10. 奈德他才十岁观刑还太小

    Ned . 10 is too young to see such things .

  11. 你很清楚这孩子是谁,奈德耐心地重复一遍。

    You know who the boy is , Ned repeated patiently .

  12. 奈德,你知道我是可以扭转局面的。

    Ned , you know I can turn this around .

  13. 随后巴利斯坦爵士陪着奈德走向国王的帐篷。

    Afterward Ser Barristan walked with Ned to the king 's pavilion .

  14. 朱奈德上校看起来是个很有精神深度的人。

    Colonel Junaid seemed to be a man of great spiritual depth .

  15. 奈德鞠躬,然后一言不发地离开。

    Ned bowed , and turned on his heel without another word .

  16. 奈德平静地看着他,什么也不说,只静静地等待。

    Ned looked at the man evenly , saying nothing , waiting .

  17. 奈德起身,绕着房间踱步。

    Ned rose and paced the length of the room .

  18. 而你是奈德?史塔克的私生子吧

    you 're Ned Stark 's bastard aren 't you ?

  19. 培提尔举起门闩,挥手示意奈德进去。

    Petyr Baelish lifted the crossbar and gestured Ned through .

  20. 奈德无需小指头提醒。

    Ned did not need Littlefinger to tell him that .

  21. 奈德只需一眼便看出问题所在。

    Ned only needed a glance to understand the difficulty .

  22. 别说了,奈德,这事到此为止。

    Enough , Ned , I will hear no more .

  23. 她是提过。奈德冷冷地答道。

    She has , Ned replied with a chill in his voice .

  24. 他还是个孩子,奈德尴尬地说。

    He 's only a boy , Ned said awkwardly .

  25. 接下来是最危险的部分,奈德明白。

    That was the most dangerous part , Ned knew .

  26. 奈德朝他望去时,培提尔伯爵正忍住呵欠。

    As Ned looked to him , Lord Petyr stifled a yawn .

  27. 这不是通往我居室的路。奈德道。

    This is not the way to my chambers , Ned said .

  28. 你才是她应该怕的人。奈德道。

    You are the one she ought to fear , Ned said .

  29. 劳勃看奈德不发话,皱了皱眉头。

    Robert looked at Ned and scowled at his silence .

  30. 劳勃,你不是说真的吧?奈德抗议。

    Robert , you cannot mean this , Ned protested .