
fèn qǐ
  • rise;rouse;make a vigorous start;rise vigorously;rise with force and spirit;make a rigorous start;rise up with ardour
奋起 [fèn qǐ]
  • [rise with force and spirit;make a rigorous start] 奋发跃起

  • 奋起反击

奋起[fèn qǐ]
  1. 农民奋起反对奴役他们的人。

    The peasants arose against their masters .

  2. 人民奋起反抗。

    The people rose in revolt .

  3. 1375年,市民奋起反抗。

    In 1375 the townspeople revolted

  4. 这位伟大作家用他的作品激励人们奋起反抗。

    The great writer inspired the people to resist oppression with his works .

  5. 自由的旗帜升起了,全国奋起战斗,把侵略者驱逐出去。

    The banner of freedom was raised and the whole nation fought to drive out the invaders .

  6. 豪言壮语促使他奋起行动。

    He was roused to action by courageous words .

  7. 这是我们的DNA的一个组成部分,而且能激励我国公民奋起迎接挑战。

    Its part of our DNA and it propels our citizens to rise to the challenge .

  8. 今天,在他们奋起反抗压迫的60年后,我们缅怀6月17日的东德(EastGerman)英雄。

    Today , 60 years after they rose up against oppression , we remember the East German heroes of June 17th .

  9. 虽然那部《社交网络》里描述的扎克伯格是在失恋后才奋起研发了Facebook,不过这并不是真实情况。真实的情况是,他俩在哈佛读书的时候就开始约会了。

    Although " The Social Network " made it seem as though Zuckerberg 's ambition was driven in part by his failures with women , the truth is he and Chan have been dating since their college days at Harvard .

  10. 80岁的默多克在伦敦参与电话窃听案听证遭遇盛剃须膏的纸盘袭击时,他的妻子邓文迪奋起还击,她的矫健身姿被电视直播捕捉下来,她也成了YouTube热门人物。

    Wendi Deng became a YouTube sensation was caught on live TV , leaping to the defence of her 80-year-old husband Rupert , as he was attacked by a foam-pie thrower during phone hacking testimony in London .

  11. 今年将是宏基奋起反击的一年,其它正竭力追赶平板电脑潮流的PC生产商也是如此。他们正押注于微软Windows8,该操作系统将于今年晚些时候发布。

    This is Acer 's fightback year , as it is for other PC makers who have struggled to catch up with the popularity of tablets.They are betting on Microsoft 's Windows 8 , due for release later this year.They are also taking the battle to Apple with laptops that become tablets ,

  12. 预计将与极右翼的奋起日本党(SPJ)联合的石原表示,他们组成的集团在不久后将要举行的全国选举中有望推出30至40名潜在候选人。

    Mr Ishihara , who is expected to link up with the minority far-right Sunrise party , the SPJ , said the group had 30 to 40 potential candidates it could field in national elections expected to be called soon .

  13. 屠杀激起人们拿起武器奋起反抗。

    The killings incited people to take up arms and revolt .

  14. 在那时,张子扬奋起接受挑战。

    At that time , Zhang Ziyang rose to the challenge .

  15. 是这样,但是所有年龄段的人在紧急情况下都必须奋起

    Yes , but all age groups are pressed into emergency service

  16. 应该鼓励这个民族从怠惰的状态中奋起。

    The nation must be aroused from its unwillingness to work .

  17. 这个国家正准备奋起抵抗敌人的入侵威胁。

    The country is bracing itself for the threatened enemy invasion .

  18. 所有的殖民地均奋起与他作斗争。

    All of the colonies are up in arms against him .

  19. 让我们奋起,为光明的未来而努力!

    Let 's stand up to fight for your bright future .

  20. 刚果军队奋起反抗,保护教堂。

    Congolese troops fought them off and are guarding the compound .

  21. 他会奋起应战的。

    He could be expected to rise to the challenge .

  22. 全国民众奋起之日,就是抗日战争胜利之时。

    Victory will be ours when the entire people arises against Japan .

  23. 可以指望他们会奋起应付危险局面。

    They could be expected to rise to the challenge of risk .

  24. 她希望奋起,她已经陷入俗套了。

    She wants stirring up . she 's got into a rut .

  25. 有时候他们冒出歪理而逼得你要奋起反抗。

    Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand .

  26. 莱利奋起反击,但杰西是更熟练的战士。

    Riley fought back , but Jesse was the more skilled fighter .

  27. 如果战争无法避免,我们必须奋起抗争。

    If war is inevitable , we can defend ourselves .

  28. 奋起迎战是个人领导力的一个重要的体现。

    Rising up to that challenge is the essence of individual leadership .

  29. 令他吃惊的是,俄国人并不奋起抵抗。

    To his surprise , the Russians refused to stand and fight .

  30. 我奋起,我奋起,我奋起!

    I rise , I rise , I rise .