
zòu yì
  • memorial to the emperor ;general name for various memorials and petitions to the emperor
奏议 [zòu yì]
  • (1) [memorialize the emperor]∶臣子向帝王上书陈述事情,议论是非

  • (2) [memorial to the throne]∶奏章

  1. 唐代奏议文研究述略&1980年以来的情况

    Studying on an Article Style Which Petitioned to the Emperor - Since the 1980s

  2. 留下来的著作有《孝肃包公奏议》。

    Left behind book of Su Bao Zheng memorialize the Emperor of filial piety .

  3. 同时,奏议也是一种特殊的文学样式,因此它必然会受到各种文学因素的影响,表现出应有的艺术内涵。

    Meanwhile , official document is a particular literature form , it is subjected to all kinds of literature factors .

  4. 士大夫的奏议史论有三个特点:强烈的道德至上倾向;浓厚的功利主义色彩;深重的忧患意识。

    The literatis ' historical review in memorials has three characteristics : strong moral supremacy tendency ; dense utilitarianism color ; deep suffering consciousness .

  5. 清末蒙古王公与满汉大臣新政筹蒙奏议对比研究在新政治协商会议筹备会上的讲话

    A Comparative Study Upon the Proposals About the New Ruling Mongolian between Mongolian and Man-Han Princes ; ADDRESS TO THE PREPARATORY MEETING OF THE NEW POLITICAL CONSULTATIVE CONFERENCE

  6. 第三章分为两个部分,在第二章的基础上分析、归纳了奏议到茶法的制定程序,并结合奏议官员身份的分类对其在茶法制定程序中的不同作用进行分析。

    The third part is also divided into two parts . According to the emphasis of the second part , this part portrays the law-making and modifying procedure on tea region , and studies the different effects by the memorials from the distinction of officials in respect of official position .