
  • 网络Kumo Xi
  1. 辽金时期奚族在承德地区活动史迹探考

    On Traces of Xi National during liao and Jin Periods in Chengde Prefecture

  2. 辽王朝统治时期,辽宁境内出现了民族杂居的局面,既有汉族,又有契丹族和奚族,还有渤海族和女真族。

    In Liao Dynasty , there were several nations living together , such as : Han , Qidan , Xi , Bohai and Nvzhen .

  3. 据历史史料记载,奚琴为中国北方少数民族&奚族所创制的乐器,其渊源来源于中国中原地区流行的弹拨乐器弦鼗。

    According to historical records , Xi Qin as China Northern Minority Xi family created by the instrument , its origin from the Central Plains region of China popular plucked string instruments your .