
  • 网络Duchy of Austria
  1. 在德国,他拥有奥地利公国;

    In Germany he possessed the Austrian duchies ;

  2. 最初的奥地利公国领地是神圣罗马帝国向东的延伸,但对于身后的欧洲却有着无法估量的防御意义。

    The originally Duchy was the eastern marches of the Holy Roman Empire ( the Ostmark ), and the defensive importance of Austria to the rest of Europe is immense .

  3. 坐落在瑞士和奥地利之间,列支敦士登公国东有阿尔卑斯山,西临莱茵河的一小部分,南边还有一座坚固的堡垒保护着列支敦士登所处峡谷的咽喉地带。

    Nestled between Switzerland and Austria , the Principality of Liechtenstein is defined by the mighty Alps to the east , the baby Rhine River to the west , and a stout fortress protecting the mouth of its valley to the south .