
  • 网络Austrian school;Austrian Economics;Austrian School of Economics
  1. 奥地利经济学派的历史渊源与当代反思

    The Historical Origin of the Austrian School of Economics and Relevant Contemporary Reflection

  2. 奥地利经济学派作为一支重要的反对学派,正是可以提供借鉴的学派。

    Austrian school of economics , as an important opposition , is one that can provide for reference .

  3. 康德的人类认识过程中的先验因素以及奥地利经济学派的理论是哈耶克有限理性的萌芽。

    Kant human process of cognition a priori factors and theories of the Austrian school of economics Hayek Limitation bud .

  4. 正如阿尔特曼与史密瑟斯所指出的,通过推高资产价格鼓励支出,显然有可能引发另一轮奥地利经济学派所谓的“不善投资”。

    As both Dr Altmann and Mr Smithers note , encouraging spending by raising asset prices evidently risks creating another round of what Austrian economists label " malinvestment " .

  5. 第二部分对奥地利经济学派和所谓的主流经济学派新古典经济学派做一个系统而本质的比较,从而更好地了解奥地利经济学派。

    The second part systematically compares the Austrian school and neoclassical school of economics , the so-called mainstream economics school , so as to better understand the Austrian school of economics .

  6. 他也是奥地利经济学派的追随者,是两本书的作者:《美元大崩溃》,以及最新的《熊市下的投资之道》。

    He also happens to be a dedicated student of the Austrian school . He is the author of the prophetic Crash Proof and , most recently , The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets .

  7. 本文在回顾与梳理国内外企业家成长相关理论的基础上,以奥地利经济学派的企业家理论为知识平台,引进了历史制度分析的研究方法,从而构建起中国企业家成长机制的一般性模型。

    This article , after a review of the domestic and foreign correlative theory , establishes a general model of Chinese entrepreneurs ' growth mechanism . Then , we use the theory and method of HIA to analyze the China private entrepreneurs ' growth mechanism during the Chinese transitional period .

  8. 第五部分主要介绍一些对奥地利学派自产生以来最多的批判声音的评论,以及奥地利经济学派的最新发展状况。

    The fifth part discusses some critical voice since the Austrian school came into being , as well as the latest development of the Austrian school of economics .