
  • 网络Old;Steven Old;Auld;Ken Alder;Aldor
  1. 我正要去奥尔德威治的布什大厦最顶层。

    I was to go to the very top floor of Bush House in Aldwych .

  2. 很快奥尔德夫人开始教弗雷德里克读书。

    Missus Auld soon began to teach Frederick to read .

  3. 奥尔德先生的妻子索菲亚对弗雷德里克很好。

    Mister Auld 's wife , Sophia , was very kind to Frederick .

  4. 奥尔德先生表示如果奴隶可以读书,他们就会反叛并逃跑。

    Mister Auld said if slaves could read they would rebel and run away .

  5. 1826年,弗雷德里克被送往马里兰巴尔的摩为休·奥尔德工作。

    In eighteen twenty-six , Frederick was sent to work for Hugh Auld , in Baltimore , Maryland .

  6. 奥尔德先生将弗雷德里克送至一个更加贫穷的家庭为爱德华·科维工作,这家人经常殴打他。

    Mister Auld sent Frederick to work for a poor farmer , Edward Covey , who beat him often .

  7. 瓦尔丢克实验室将与位于英格兰南部奥尔德马斯顿的法英研究中心合作,法国总统说。

    The Valduc laboratory will work with a French-British research centre based in Aldermaston in southern England , the French presidency said .