
ào dé hé
  • the Oder River
奥得河[ào dé hé]
  1. 东部的日耳曼各部落定居在奥得河以东地区,但是他们的语言早就消失了。

    The East Germanic tribes settled east of the Oder River , but their languages have long since become extinct .

  2. 就在几年前,位于波兰和德国边境的奥得河(给人们)造成了巨大损失。

    Only a few years ago the River Oder on the Polish-German border caused huge amounts of damage .

  3. 月亮照在奥得河淹没于2010年5月27日旁边的一间屋在科斯琴,波兰。

    The moon shines over the flooded river Oder next to a single house on May27,2010 in Kostrzyn , Poland .

  4. 西部的日耳曼各部落定居在易北河和奥得河之间的地区,德语就是在这一地区逐步发展而成的。

    The West Germanic tribes settled in the lands between the Elbe and Oder rivers , and it is here that the German language gradually evolved .

  5. 除了南方的喀尔巴阡山脉和西部的奥得河以及奈瑟河,波兰整个国家几乎都是平原,没有明确的自然分界线。

    Most of the country is a plain with no natural boundaries except the Carpathian Mountains in the south and the Oder and Neisse rivers in the west .