
  • 网络Orgrimmar
  1. 但奥格瑞玛的事物并不都很好。

    But not everything is great in Orgrimmar .

  2. 凯恩得到消息赶到奥格瑞玛,并认为伽罗什就是幕后的主使。

    Cairne gets the news and heads to Orgrimmar , thinking that it was Garrosh that ordered the attacks .

  3. 战斗之后,部落船只返回奥格瑞玛,却遭遇了非自然的剧烈风暴。

    After the battle , the Horde ships make their way back to Orgrimmar but are beset by powerful , unnatural storms .

  4. 布罗尔和瓦蕾拉扯了很多对方的阵营问题,貌似直到到达奥格瑞玛才结束。

    Broll and Valeera bitch some more about each other 's allegiances , which seems to last until the caravan arrives in orgrimmar .

  5. 随着萨尔离开奥格瑞玛前往德拉诺,凯恩找到了他并告诉他指认伽罗什上任是一个多大的错误。

    As Thrall leaves Orgrimmar for Draenor , Cairne stops him and tells him what a big mistake he 's making by appointing Garrosh in charge .

  6. 当灰谷一处暗夜精灵村庄被摧毁的消息传回奥格瑞玛的时候,都认为是伽罗什下的命令。

    When word of a night elf village in Ashenvale being destroyed gets back to Orgrimmar , it 's assumed that Garrosh was the one who ordered it .

  7. 在一次奥格瑞玛领袖会议中,萨尔指出灰谷有丰富的资源,与重新暗夜精灵交好是明智的选择。

    In a meeting with Orgrimmar leadership , Thrall notes that Ashenvale has a surplus of resources and that it 'd be wise to get back on the night elves'good side .

  8. 而且,冒险者们可以在奥格瑞玛以及铁炉堡外面看见英雄们的灵魂,而且可以抽出一点时间举起一杯收割节的甘露献给英雄。

    Also , adventurers can see the spirits of the fallen outside of Orgrimmar and Ironforge and can take a moment to heft a mug of Harvest Nectar to their memory .

  9. 他重新设计了奥格瑞玛,并且将兽人和牛头人以外的种族驱赶出了城市的中心,因为他说,只有这两个种族有足够强大的力量来保护这里。

    He 's redesigned Orgrimmar , and has actually evicted all but the orcs and tauren from the center of the city , saying that only those two races are strong enough to defend it .