
  • 网络OMA;omar;Auma
  1. 他可以拿一本《离骚》或奥玛开俨(omarkhayyam,波斯诗人)的作品,牵着他的爱人的手到河边去读。

    One takes a limp volume of lisao , or of Omar khayyam , and goes away hand in hand with his love to read on a river bank .

  2. 对于我的姐妹玛雅、奥玛和我的其他兄弟姐妹,我要谢谢你们给我的大力支持。

    To my sister Maya , my sister Auma , all my other brothers and sisters-thank you so much for all the support you have given me .

  3. 正如这位奥玛哈的圣人(sageofomaha)所言:“桥牌绝对是迄今为止最好的智力训练。”

    As the sage of Omaha says , " bridge has got to be the best intellectual exercise out there . "

  4. 我们的办公室恰好于奥玛哈市的同一幢大楼。

    We happened to be in the same building in Omaha .

  5. 那这位奥玛哈贤者会怎么考虑苹果呢?

    So would the Oracle of Omaha consider Apple a Consumer Monopoly or a Commodity ?

  6. 篮球队队员格雷格•奥玛是奥巴马形影不离的伙伴,他们就像兄弟一样。

    Greg Orme , a fellow varsity basketball player , was Obama 's constant companion . ' They were like brothers , ' says Allman .