
  • 网络OTHELLO;King Lear;Otello;Othello, the Moor of Venice;Othello,The Moor of Venice
  1. 他一直想扮演奥赛罗。

    He had always wanted to play Othello .

  2. 奥赛罗由奥里维扮演。

    Othello was played by Olivier .

  3. 他在《奥赛罗》中扮演了一个角色。

    He acted a part in othello .

  4. 奥赛罗是位妒忌心很重的丈夫。

    Othello was a jealous husband .

  5. 我们应该感谢莎士比亚,因为是他将“把心戴在袖子上”(carryyourheartonyoursleeve)写在纸上,意思是轻易表露感情,是《奥赛罗》中伊阿古的名言。

    We can thank Shakespeare for committing the phrase " Carry your heart on your sleeve " - or being transparent - to paper . Iago famously says it in " Othello . "

  6. 但真的有人能把罗斯科(Roscoe)的愤懑与奥赛罗(Othello)的痛苦相提并论吗?

    But can one really compare Othello 's agony to Roscoe 's pique ?

  7. 在《奥赛罗》(Othello)里,被免职的军官凯西奥(Cassio)为自己醉酒后的失态悲叹道:“哦,我失去了我的名声!我失去了自己不朽的一部分,剩下的就是兽性。”

    The sacked army officer Cassio in Othello bewails his drunken disgrace : " Oh , I have lost my reputation ! I have lost the immortal part of myself , and what remains is bestial . "

  8. 我要求他们以奥赛罗的故事写一句头条。

    I asked them to write a headline for the story .

  9. 他在悲剧中扮演主角奥赛罗。

    He played the leading part of Othello in the tragedy .

  10. 他将被选派担任奥赛罗这一角色。

    He was cast as Othello / in the role of Othello .

  11. 您可以看到有关努拉奥赛罗有简单的信息。

    You can see simple information about Nura Othello there .

  12. 奥立维在国家戏院参加《奥赛罗》一剧的演出。

    Olivier is playing in " Othello " at the National Theatre .

  13. 那天晚上他在皇家剧院扮演奥赛罗。

    He acted Othello at the Royal Theater that evening .

  14. 在'奥赛罗'中,埃古是一个阴险的角色。

    Iago is the heavy role in ` Othello ' .

  15. 他演不了奥赛罗这个角色。

    He 's not up to the part of Othello .

  16. 我们希望马上能看到这个新的《奥赛罗》版本。

    We wish to see this new Othello at the earliest possible convenience .

  17. 每个人都热烈的谈论着汤姆扮演奥赛罗。

    Everyone rhapsodizes over Tom 's performance as Othello .

  18. 起初,奥赛罗自信有尊严地出现在台上,这时候他还生活在想象级中,满足于他辉煌的事业,甜蜜的爱情。

    Initially , Othello appears on the stage with great honor and confidence .

  19. 选派他扮演奥赛罗的角色。

    He was cast as Othello / cast in the role of Othello .

  20. 劳伦斯奥利维尔扮演奥赛罗相当精彩。

    Laurence olivier 's otherllo was a towering performance .

  21. 我认为他将奥赛罗的角色诠释得非常出色。

    I thought he carried off the part of Othello with great skill .

  22. 所以,我命名为我的程序努拉奥赛罗。

    So , I named my program Nura Othello .

  23. 文化建构与自我意识:论奥赛罗在威尼斯社会中的种族他性

    Cultural Construction and Self-consciousness An Analysis of Othello 's Racial Otherness in Venetian Society

  24. 奥赛罗注定要杀死苔丝狄蒙娜吗?还是拉戈创造了环境?

    Was Othello fated to kill Desdemona , or did lago create the circumstance ?

  25. 依阿高把毒药滴在奥赛罗心中。

    Iago distilled poison into Othello 's mind .

  26. 《奥赛罗》一剧演得相当差。

    " Othello " was rendered rather poorly .

  27. 在埃古的挑唆下,奥赛罗决意杀死苔丝德蒙娜。

    Egged on by Iago , Othello makes up his mind to kill Desdemona .

  28. 这是为初学者学习的努拉奥赛罗的规则。

    It was made for a beginner to learn the rules of Nura Othello .

  29. 我谈到他们从未耳闻的《奥赛罗》,他们啧啧称奇。

    I mentioned Othello ; they 'd not heard of it but were fascinated .

  30. 《奥赛罗》的剧名角色是奥赛罗。

    The name part of Othello is Othello .