
  • 网络Olympic slogan;the Olympic Motto;The Olympic Games slogan
  1. 追求与参与&析奥运口号的人文意义

    Pursuit and Participation & Significance of Olympic Slogan from the Humanitarian Perspective

  2. 四年后,我们提出了“同一个世界,同一个梦想”的奥运口号。

    Four years later , we have introduced a " One World , One Dream ," the Olympic slogan .

  3. “更快,更高,更强”,用拉丁文说是Citius,Altius,Fortius,是富于励志精神的奥运口号。

    ' Faster , higher , stronger , or Citius , Altius , Fortius in Latin , is the Olympic 's official inspirational motto .

  4. 在对奥运口号的层层分析中,揭示出蕴涵在奥运口号对社会发展和社会价值的一种肯定。

    Through analysis we can find how the slogan of Olympic affirms the development and value of society .

  5. 所挑选的一个关注点是奥运口号在奥运会和奥运精神的展示意义。

    The starting point of this paper is the significance of researching the slogan og the Olympic in Olympic Games and Olympic spirit .

  6. 正如北京市领导在首个城市奥运口号中所言:“新北京,新奥运”。

    As city leaders put it in their first stab at a municipal Olympic motto : " new Beijing , New Olympics " .

  7. 指出北京奥运口号是一句蹩脚汉语,重提奥运信念短语的本真要义。

    Points out the slogan of Beijing Olympia Games is a inferior Chinese language , and the faith of Olympic Games ought to be participate co.

  8. 北京奥运主题口号的合理性分析

    Analysis of Rationality of the Topic Slogan of Beijing Olympic Games

  9. 昨晚宣布了2008年奥运会口号。

    The slogan for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games was announced last night .

  10. 奥运会口号的知识产权保护研究

    On the Protection of the Intellectual Rights of the Slogan of Olympic Games

  11. 模因论视域下北京奥运主题口号的价值探析

    The Research on Values of the Slogan of the Beijing Olympics Games under Memetics

  12. 请你说说自己对北京奥运主题口号同一个世界,同一个梦想认识。

    Please make a remark on One World One Dream , the theme of Beijing Olympics .

  13. 奥运主题口号是奥运联想形成的重要元素,直接影响人们对奥运的态度和对奥运的参与。

    The Olympic Games slogan is the important element of the Olympic Games association , and will directly influence people 's attitude and participation for Olympic Games .

  14. 一张照片在巴西火了。这张发布于脸书的照片里,一位妇女躺在张贴有2016年巴西奥运会口号“一个新世界”的隧道口前睡觉。

    This photo , which shows a woman sleeping in front of a tunnel painted with the 2016 Olympics " slogan - " A New World " - has absolutely taken over Facebook in Brazil .

  15. 奥运的口号“同一个世界,同一个梦想”表现了源出于上一个世纪末的这一理想:我们都是同一个世界的一部分,我们都分享着繁荣与强大这一梦想。

    The Olympic slogan " One World , One Dream " expresses this ideal , which originated at the turn of the last century : we are all part of one world , and we share the dream of prosperity and strength .

  16. 北京申办奥运会的口号是什么?

    What is the Motto of Beijing 's Bid ?

  17. 科欧主席:我非常高兴地宣布2012伦敦奥运会的口号为激励一代人。

    Coe said : ' I am delighted to announce the motto Inspire a Generation .

  18. 北京奥运会主题口号嬗变的文化学诠释

    Cultural analysis of Beijing Olympic theme

  19. 北京第29届奥运会的口号是“一个世界,一个梦想”。

    The slogan of the upcoming29th Olympiad in Beijing is " One World , One Dream " .

  20. 陆海军表示,“新北京、新奥运”的口号,象征北京追求现代化的努力。

    Mr Lu touts the " new Beijing , New Olympics " slogan as symbolising its efforts to pursue modernisation .

  21. 参加2008年奥运会胜利口号彩排的大学教师詹数,昨天也难以控制自己的激动之情。

    University instructor Zhan Shu , who joined rehearsals to carry slogans about the2008 Olympics'success , could hardly contain his excitement yesterday .

  22. 是今年奥运会的口号。本届奥运会很可能会诞生新纪录,但不仅仅是在跑道上和泳池中,还有对单项运动计时和测量的技术领域。

    Are the watchwords for this year 's Olympics , which is likely to see new records set , not only on the track and in the pool but in the technology used to time and measure the individual events .

  23. “XIEYALONG必须下课”成为了上两场奥运比赛的响亮口号,在与比利时的比赛中有人看到XIE提前离场。

    " Xie Yalong must resign !" became a loud chant at the last two Olympic matches , and Xie was seen leaving the Belgium match early .

  24. 保护环境已成为申办奥运的一个口号了。

    Environment protection has become a slogan for bidding the Olympic Games .

  25. 伦敦奥运会发布官方口号:激励一代人。

    Inspire a Generation has been revealed as the official motto for the London Olympics .

  26. 同一个世界,同一个梦想。这是北京奥运会的主题口号。

    " One world , one dream . " This is the slogan for Beijing Olympic Games .

  27. 人文奥运是北京2008年奥运会的申办口号,何谓人文奥运?

    The human culture Olympics is one of the slogans for Beijing apply for 2008 Olympic games .

  28. 但在举办奥运会的这些日子里,我们时常感到本届奥运会口号“同一个世界,同一个梦想”的愿望似乎已经实现了。

    However , there are moments these days when the slogan of these games ," One World , One Dream ," almost seems real .

  29. 我们对奥运的关注也不再像一个星期前那样强烈了,今天中国的奥运口号“同一个世界,同一个梦想”还在耳边回响。

    We aren 't as concerned about the Olympic Games as we were a week ago . China 's Olympic slogan still rings true today : " One World One Dream " .

  30. 伦敦奥运会开幕式倒计时一百天纪念活动之际,伦敦奥组委公布了伦敦奥运会的口号:激励一代人。

    The motto for the London Olympics has been revealed as Inspire a generation as events are held to mark the 100-day countdown to the opening ceremony .