
nǚ yǎn yuán
  • actress
女演员[nǚ yǎn yuán]
  1. 他对自己和那位女演员的关系直言不讳。

    He was very frank about his relationship with the actress .

  2. 他公开讲述他和那位女演员的私情。

    He spoke openly about his involvement with the actress .

  3. 那位女演员在机场被记者团团围住。

    The actress was besieged by reporters at the airport .

  4. 这本书辑录了他对那位女演员的回忆。

    The book is a collection of his reminiscences about the actress .

  5. 那位女演员认为她的这些照片是对隐私权的侵犯。

    The actress described the photographs of her as an invasion of privacy .

  6. 她上学时曾梦想成为一名女演员。

    As a schoolgirl , she had dreamed of becoming an actress

  7. 他过去曾与许多女演员和女小说家调情。

    In the past he dallied with actresses and lady novelists .

  8. 简决心主张自己作为一名女演员的权利。

    Jane is determined to stake her claim as an actress

  9. 这是一个角色任她挑选的女演员。

    Here is an actress who could have her pick of any part

  10. 第二年他陪着这位情绪无常的女演员去了好莱坞。

    He accompanied the volatile actress to Hollywood the following year

  11. 这家报纸正和提起损害赔偿诉讼的女演员对簿公堂。

    The newspaper is fighting a damages action brought by the actress .

  12. 她击败女演员梅丽尔·斯特里普,拿到了这个角色。

    She pipped actress Meryl Streep to the part .

  13. 电影行业对女演员来说机会有限。

    Film is a business with limited opportunities for actresses

  14. 这位芭蕾舞女演员一直保持着完美的阿拉贝斯克舞姿不动。

    The ballerina remained suspended in a faultless arabesque .

  15. 那位脾气暴躁的女演员踢了他的小腿。

    The fiery actress kicked him in the shins

  16. 该剧由一名志在复出的著名隐退女演员主演。

    The play starred a well-known retired actress who was intent on a come-back .

  17. 比吉特曾是一位当红女演员,有着五年的从影经历。

    Birgit was a popular actress with half a decade of filmmaking behind her .

  18. 他已经和那位著名的俄罗斯芭蕾舞女演员做了搭档。

    He had partnered the famous Russian ballerina

  19. 年龄是另一个让女演员头疼的问题。

    Age is another bogey for actresses .

  20. 有关他与那位女演员有关系的传闻使他很不开心。

    The stories of his links with the actress had knocked the fun out of him

  21. 和许许多多曾经满怀抱负的女演员一样,她最后只能端端盘子,在办公室打打零工。

    Like so many aspiring actresses , she ended up waiting tables and temping in office jobs

  22. 每个星期都传出新的丑闻,说某某部长和女演员或是应召女郎胡搞。

    Every week a fresh scandal emerges about ministers carrying on with film actresses and call girls .

  23. 超级宝贝詹妮·麦卡锡暗示了在乌烟瘴气的好莱坞演艺圈内年轻女演员必须经历的种种考验。

    Uber-babe Jenny McCarthy has hinted at the trials young actresses must undergo in Hollywood 's seedier realms

  24. 无论什么时候,只要知名女演员们聚在一起,去演绎一部“女性题材电影”,那毫无疑问里面准是一堆多愁善感的故事。

    Whenever famous actresses get together to make a ' woman 's film ' you can bet on an overload of sentimental mush .

  25. 虽然女演员琳恩·雷德格雷夫现在依靠自己的能力出了名,但她明白生活在大名鼎鼎的姐姐的阴影里有多不容易。

    Although now a celebrity in her own right , actress Lynn Redgrave knows the difficulties of living in the shadow of her famous older sister

  26. 他说他在与一位女演员谈恋爱,我还以为他在开玩笑呢。

    I thought he was kidding when he said he was going out with an actress .

  27. 那位女演员和记者们开起了玩笑。

    The actress bantered with reporters .

  28. 她多么像那位著名的女演员啊!

    What a remarkable resemblance she bears to the famous actress !

  29. 那位女演员身穿飘逸的长裙翩然走进了房间。

    The actress sailed into the room in her flowing dress .

  30. 那个女演员戴一顶黑色假发罩住自己的金黄色头发。

    The actress wore a black wig over her blond hair .