
  • 网络Hollywood Chinese
  1. 国内学者倾向于从西方霸权话语的角度探讨好莱坞中国(华人)形象生成与发展。

    Domestic scholars tend to point China ( Chinese ) image formation and development from the hegemony of Hollywood .

  2. 不久以前,几乎所有好莱坞电影中的华人面孔都是次要角色,例如恶棍或坏人——功夫明星成龙(JackieChan)是个值得一提的例外。

    Not long ago most Chinese figures appearing in Hollywood films were peripheral characters , villains and bad guys - with the notable exception of Jackie Chan .

  3. 而我们也很清楚能从李安那里得到什么样的期待。作为好莱坞最成功的华人导演之一,有一点可以肯定的就是:他从未令人失望过。

    But we know what to expect from Lee , one of the most successful Chinese directors in Hollywood . One thing is for sure : he never disappoints .