
  • 网络women studies;Women’s studies;Women's Studies
  1. 妇女学在中国高校:研究、课程和机制

    The Research , Syllabus and Mechanism of Women Studies in Chinese Universities

  2. 从女性主义视角反思本土妇女学的建立

    Rethinking the Establishment of Women Studies in China from the Perspective of Feminism

  3. 学科制度视角下的妇女学

    Women 's Studies in the Perspective of Disciplinary Institution

  4. 妇女学教学本土化的两点思考

    Two Thoughts about Indigenous Teaching of Women Studies

  5. 妇女学的内容与目标

    Content and Aims of Women 's Studies

  6. 在中国,妇女学从无到有,正在探索与形成之中。

    In China , women studies have emerged and are undergoing exploration and coming into being .

  7. 北美的妇女学研究

    Women 's studies in Northern America

  8. 全球视野中的本土妇女学&中国的经验:一个未完成的过程

    Local Women Studies Reflected in a Global Perspective & China 's experience : an unfinished process

  9. 作为妇女学研究的一个重要领域&妇女/社会性别史的研究,至今还很零散、薄弱。

    Women / social gender studies in China till now is still rather sporadic and fledgling .

  10. 在妇女学学科建设的过程中,非学科化的女性教育的作用不容忽视。

    Non-disciplinary women 's education played very important roles in disciplinary development of women 's studies .

  11. 80年代中期开始了妇女学背景下的史学关注;

    And in the middle of the eighties a few historians paid attention to women 's history .

  12. 而如何将妇女学本土化将是中国妇女学面临的长期任务。

    It will be a hard and long-term task for us to indigenize women 's studies in China .

  13. 中国妇女学建设是手段,而不是目的,是开始,而不是结束。

    In sum , the construction of the Chinese women studies is an instrument and a start-point forever but not an end .

  14. 在大学开课,是妇女学发展的重要途径。

    Offering curriculum related to women studies to university students is an important approach to facilitate the development of women studies in China .

  15. 对于中国当代妇女学学者来说,社会性别这个概念是在20世纪80年代中后期的西学东渐中,随新女性主义一同进入研究视野的。

    For contemporary Chinese feminist scholars , the concept social sex has been coming into research perspective together with " new feminism " in late 1980s .

  16. 文章从全球和区域的背景审视大陆妇女学兴起的原因、发展过程,并分析成长缓慢的原因及目前最新进展;

    Evaluating women studies from a global and local perspective , this article analyses the causes of emergence and the slow development of China 's women studies and the latest trends .

  17. 宾夕法尼亚州立大学阿尔图那分校妇女学副教授李.安.德鲁斯指出,工资不平等还有其他原因。

    There are also other reasons for the pay inequity . " When women accept a position , they often don 't negotiate the beginning salary in the same way that a man does , " says Lee Ann De Reus , associate professor of women 's studies at Penn State Altoona .

  18. 每个妇女应该学做饭。

    Every woman should learn to cook .

  19. 纳塔莉•迪伦,妇女研究学毕业,在网上拍卖她的初夜。

    Natalie Dylan , a graduate in women 's studies , who sold her virginity in an online auction .

  20. 105例绝经前后妇女血液流变学的变化

    Study of hemorheologic changes in women before and after menopause

  21. 加入这些小组后,妇女们可以学识字和写字,学习记帐和其它技能。

    Through those groups , the women learn to read and write , and learn bookkeeping and other skills .

  22. 本研意在调查长期和早产妊娠中,轻度妊娠高血糖、妊娠糖尿病和显性糖尿病妇女的病理学胎盘病变。

    To investigate and compare the incidence of histopathological placental lesions in mild gestational hyperglycemia , gestational diabetes and overt diabetes at term and preterm gestation .

  23. 在全球视野和区域比较中练就本土妇女/性别学学科的基本功&妇女/社会性别史系列课程秋季班综述

    Embrace the Basic Skills of Indigenous Women and Gender Studies Discipline from the Perspective of Globalization and Regional Comparison & A Summary of the Autumn Course Series on " History of Women and Gender "

  24. 并结合基础体温测定,探讨B超监测卵泡发育及排卵规律,为研究不孕症妇女卵泡的病理学提供依据。

    It provided pathological evidence for studying ovum women with sterility .

  25. 孕早期妇女血清学与超声学联合筛查Down综合征

    Screening Down ′ s syndrome by serology and sonography in the early pregnant woman

  26. 不孕妇女子宫内膜组织学及酶组织化学研究

    Studies on the Histological Features and Enzymatic Histochemical Changes of Endometrium in Infertile Women

  27. 绝经妇女大多数血液流变学指标处于异常状态,但随着年龄的增加(61岁以后),绝经妇女聚集指数、刚性指数、变形指数等指标更加异常显著变化。

    Most of rheology indexes were abnormal . After 61 , the indexs were more significant such as assemble index , rigidity index , distortion index , etc.

  28. 还从实践操作的层面指出发展中国的妇女与社会性别学的目标、任务、面临挑战和运作策略。

    It also discusses the aim , tasks , challenges and operation strategy of the development of China 's women studies and social gender studies at a practical level .

  29. 妇女研究的缘起、发展及现状&兼谈妇女学学科建设问题

    The Genesis , Development and Current Situation for the Woman Study