
fù rú
  • women and children
妇孺 [fù rú]
  • [women and children] 妇女和儿童

  • 妇孺皆知

妇孺[fù rú]
  1. 下面很多人都是妇孺。

    There are lots of women and children down there .

  2. 你城内都是妇孺孩童。

    Your city is full of women and children .

  3. 请让老弱妇孺先上车。

    The old , weak , pregnant , and young first .

  4. 不过可兰经是不允许杀害老弱妇孺的。

    But killing women and children is not permitted in the Holy koran .

  5. 短短几分钟内逾200苏族壮丁和妇孺丧命

    Within minutes over 200 Sioux warriors , women and children are dead .

  6. 那些妇孺参加一年一度的游览活动,在纽约被烧死、淹死。

    All those women and children excursion beanfeast burned and drowned in New York .

  7. 博爱座是给老弱妇孺的。

    Priority seats are reserved for the weak .

  8. 我将不伤害妇孺!

    I will harm no woman .

  9. 我们撤退的时候,突袭了一队赛利斯的妇孺。

    As we were retreating , we came upon a caravan of zerith women and children .

  10. 而且在斑马线,十字路口,也从来不给老弱妇孺让路。

    They do not give way to old folks or children crossing at the zebra crossing .

  11. 所有的文明国家对于轰炸大城市及杀害妇孺都很害怕。

    All civilization is horrified at the bombing of big cities and the killing of women and children .

  12. 男女妇孺,死伤惨重,他们背井离乡,一无所有,一贫如洗。

    Women , children and men are killed and injured , forced from their homes , dispossessed and destitute .

  13. 与此同时,波斯尼亚的穆斯林痛斥维和部队眼见妇孺遭射杀仍袖手旁观。

    Meanwhile , the Bosnian Muslims revile them ( peacekeepers ) for standing by when women and children are shot .

  14. 在这群妇孺当中,有个小女孩坐在她母亲身边,腿上有一处不断流脓的大伤口。

    Among them , sitting beside her mother , was a young girl with a large oozing sore on her leg .

  15. 有10多万男子和妇孺已被杀害,600万人在叙利亚境内外流离失所。

    More than 100,000 men , women and children have been killed and 6 million displaced both within and across Syrias borders .

  16. 他无情的车轮辗过妇孺,还勒令英国不要挡道。

    Women and children are crushed under the wheels of his cruel car , and Britain is ordered out of his road .

  17. 他们凸显当载送老弱妇孺到城里各处时,司机有必要以温和的态度照顾乘客。

    They underscored the importance that drivers need to use kid-glove care when chauffeuring sometimes frail or very young passengers around the town .

  18. 他不会这么想,但从前他也不会想到劳勃竟干得出谋害妇孺的事。

    He would not have thought so , but once he would not have thought Robert could command the murder of women and children either .

  19. 老弱妇孺组成最低阶层,他们很少得到关注,其中太阳勇士和阴影潜行者是例外。

    Children , women , elderly and lame make up the lowest caste and receive very little care or attention , with exceptions being made for those that are Sun-braversor Shade-stalkers .

  20. 王军于是在安息日那天攻击了他们,他们和他们的妇孺牲畜都被屠杀了,人数约有一千。

    So they gave them battle on the sabbath : and they were slain with their wives , and their children , and their cattle , to the number of a thousand persons .