
  1. 这只名叫妮娜(Nina)的小狗立刻蜷在我的脚边,把我的夏装长裙当成了保护伞。

    The puppy her name was Nina immediately curled at my feet , under the protection of my long summer skirt .

  2. 妮娜这是我最好的哥们PJ

    Nina , this is my best friend P.J. ...

  3. 未知预测:我们喜欢红毯上这为20岁的影坛上的后起之秀,她穿着亮粉红色NinaRicci(妮娜丽琪)的时尚礼服充满青春活力。

    Wild Card : We 'd love to see the 20-year-old rising star show up in this youthful bright pink Nina Ricci confection .

  4. 妮娜在推特上写道,“虽然输了,但我们仍在微笑-没关系,我们还是赢了:)那是一场势均力敌的比赛!爱你,LilWayne”。

    Of couse , they include Nina Dobrev and her boyfriend Ian Somerhalder . Losers and still smiling - doesn 't matter , were still winning : ) It was a close game ! Love you Lil Wayne . Beach bowl

  5. 妮娜你明天要登台了

    Mother : Nina ! You 're on the stage tomorrow .

  6. 妮娜:“(低声说)我想要完美。”

    Nina : "( whisper ) Just wanna be perfect . "

  7. 家里有陌生人妮娜很不安心

    Nina didn 't feel comfortable with strangers in the house .

  8. 你觉得这是他妈妈假装妮娜在给他回信

    You think his mom wrote e-mails pretending to be Nina ?

  9. 你知道谁会这么了解妮娜吗

    Can you think of anyone who knows Nina like that ?

  10. 你能不能告诉妮娜你找我谈过话

    Are you gonna tell Nina that you talked to me ?

  11. 妮娜不需要这样的人在身边

    Nina doesn 't need someone like that in her life .

  12. 不巧的是,当天,妮娜发烧了!

    Unfortunately , that same day , Nina was running a fever !

  13. 妈妈看了他的电脑,看到了给妮娜的电子邮件

    Mom went through his computer , saw the e-mail to Nina ,

  14. 我把妮娜放进一间卧室,关上了门。

    I put Nina in a bedroom , and shut the door .

  15. 妮娜并不清楚你为她付出了什么

    Nina has no idea what you do for her .

  16. 他居然只给妮娜写过一封邮件

    Seems weird he would only write to Nina once .

  17. 但当我们把妮娜带回家之后,情况却变得复杂起来。

    But things became complicated when we brought Nina home .

  18. 为什么妮娜的跟踪者要把消息透露给狗仔呢

    Why would Nina 's stalker tip off the paparazzi ?

  19. 和妮娜的出发点一样。他人的关注,名气

    Same reason why Nina would -- Attention , notoriety .

  20. 她很明显是嫉妒妮娜,嫉妒她有才华

    Obvious she resents her because she 's so talented .

  21. 妮娜,我们会尽全力的,好吗?

    Nina , we 're doing everything we can , all right ?

  22. 妮娜不在我的手也很累。

    My hands are a little tied without Nina here .

  23. 本,找到跟妮娜·普勒斯顿有关的拘捕记录了吗

    Ben , have you found any arrest records concerning Nina Preston ?

  24. 我得跟你谈谈,妮娜

    I really need to talk to you , Nina .

  25. 妮娜,你不是地方警员,是吗?

    Nina , you 're not a field agent , all right ?

  26. 妮娜我有权关心

    I have a right to be concerned , Nina .

  27. 艾米丽对妮娜不好

    Emily 's so mean to Nina . It 's. ..

  28. 妮娜毫无疑问是这圈子里的红人

    Nina 's what they call in my world a sure thing .

  29. 我对妮娜那样,这是我活该

    I deserve this after what I did to Nina .

  30. 肯罗恩可收购了费兹曼和妮娜的股份。

    Kroenke has acquired the shares of Danny Fiszman and Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith .