
  1. 姜维无奈落荒而去。

    Jiang Wei had to go off into the wilderness .

  2. 司马懿是我国著名的军事家、政治家。他多次出兵汉中,与诸葛亮、姜维等蜀将交战,遏制了蜀国的北扩。

    Sima Yi was a well-known strategist and stateman in Chinese history , and in fighting against Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wei , he succeeded in preventing Shu-Han from expanding northernwards .

  3. 244年,姜维病重,不能有效行使权力。246年姜维病逝时,刘禅40岁已独立行使皇权。

    In 244 , Jiang Wei became ill and failed to function effectively , and at his death in 246 Liu Chan , now forty years old , took formal authority at the capital .

  4. 姜维既是三国时期的一个重要历史人物,也是《三国演义》中一个不可忽视的艺术形象。

    Jiang Wei ( Gallant Unicorn ) was one of the important historic figures in the Period of Three Kingdoms , and also an artistic image that cannot be neglected in Romance of Three Kingdoms .

  5. 姜维表示,上海浦东新区法院已经受理该案件,听证会将于7月10日举行,他们同时还起诉了另外四家涉及推广和销售苹果产品的公司。

    Jiang said Pudong district court in Shanghai had accepted the case , and the hearing is scheduled for July 10 , adding they had also charged four other companies which promoted and sold the Apple product .

  6. 三天后,魏延、姜维领兵来到陈仓城下,见城上有人大喊:“你二位来迟了!”

    Three days later when Wei Yan and Jiang Wei led their troops to the gate of the city , they heard somebody shouting from the top of the city wall , " You have come too late !"

  7. 苹果的雪豹操作系统于2009年8月公开发售,在许多宣传和推广资料中,都使用了这一中文名称。姜维说。

    " Snow Leopard , an operating system from Apple , was put on sale in August 2009 , and it uses the Chinese name ` Xuebao ` in many of its publicity and promotional materials ," Jiang said .

  8. 守卫天水郡的魏国大将姜维,文武双全智有勇有谋。

    This is a story from the novel Three Kingdoms . Jiang Wei was adept with both pen and sword . He was not only a man of intelligence and bravery , but also a man of resources and astuteness .

  9. 他得知姜维是个孝子,其母住在冀城,便想出一条计策:命魏延虚张声势打冀城,姜维得知消息,便请兵杀回冀城救母。

    When he learned that Jiang Wei was a filial son whose mother was living in Jicheng City , he devised a plan to win him over . He ordered Wei Yan to attack Jicheng City by bluffing and blustering .