
  • 网络nora;Nara;NAHLA
  1. 娜拉走后现代命题的当代演绎

    Contemporary Deduce about a Modern Issue of after Nara Leaving From Her Home

  2. 鲁迅的《娜拉出走后怎么办》,让读者看到了鲁迅和易卜生在不同文化背景和价值取向下对女性解放及其命运的不同理解。

    From Lu Xun 's " After Nara Leaves Home ", readers can sense the different understandings of women 's liberation and destiny by Lu Xun and Henrick Ibsen due to their different cultural backgrounds and values .

  3. 娜拉很聪明,她找到了在复印机上旧纸再次使用的办法。

    Nora is a bright spark ; she found a way of re-using old paper in the copying machine .

  4. 娜拉是她的第十六个小孩。

    Nala is her sixteenth children .

  5. 但是她也意识到娜拉已面临危机,迟早必须和托伐说个明白。

    Nora and Torvald would have to come to an understanDing .

  6. 俗世壁垒中的心灵流浪&对娜拉形象的重新阐释

    A Wandering Soul on the Earth & Comments on Nora

  7. 辛巴:娜拉,这都是过去的事了。

    SIMBA : Nala , we 've been through this .

  8. 在剧中扮演狮子娜拉。

    She played the part of Nala , a lion .

  9. 五四文学中觉醒后的娜拉意象

    The Awaken " Nora " Image of the May-Fourth Literature

  10. 安娜、蘩漪、娜拉悲剧命运的分析比较

    Comparative Study on the Tragic Destiny of Anna , Fan Yi and Nora

  11. 余论部分针对五四娜拉们思想上的局限而对娜拉意象进行了科学的分析和反思。

    The last part analyses and rethinks the limitations of Nora image scientifically .

  12. 被书写的叛逆:质疑娜拉精神

    The Written Rebellion : Questioning " Nora Spirit "

  13. 五四文学的娜拉意象

    The " Nora " Image of the May-Fourth Literature

  14. 在由寄托爱情到寄托革命的娜拉模式中,出走成为觉醒的同义替换。

    Nora Pattern rely from love to revolution , be aware of synonymous substitutions .

  15. 娜拉型话剧中的出走及性别焦虑

    " Running away " and Gender Dysphoria in the Dramas of Nora 's Style

  16. 娜拉有唱歌的天赋。

    Nora has a gift for singing .

  17. 群体的娜拉&20世纪20年代的女影星与民族国家想象

    Group of " Nora " s & Actresses and National Images of China in 1920s

  18. 贝瑞和奥布瑞就女儿娜拉的监护权产生纠纷。

    Berry and Aubry have been involved in a custody dispute involving their daughter Nahla .

  19. 在郭沫若的《王昭君》里,她是具有叛逆意识的娜拉;

    As an image like Nala with rebellion consciousness in the Wang zhaojun by Guo Moruo ;

  20. 出走堕落的娜拉&《沉香屑·第一炉香》与《日出》比较

    Run Away Nora Degraded A Comparison between Crumbs of Ligumaloes the First Incense Burnt and Sunrise

  21. 自《玩偶之家》问世以来,娜拉一直是中西方评论家关注的焦点人物。

    Nora has always been a controversial character much discussed by both Eastern and Western critics .

  22. 最后,妇女解放在挪威已有良好的气候和土壤,为娜拉提供了较为良好妁社会环境。

    Good situation of women 's liberation in Norway provides a good social environment for her .

  23. 几个强盗大声喊道,他们是费罗西诺,班壁娜拉和阿纳尼人,本来就认识罗吉万帕的。

    Cried several bandits from ferrusino , pampinara , and anagni , who had recognized Luigi vampa .

  24. 我一直希望娜拉和尤里有一天能重新走到一起

    I guess I keep hoping that one time , Lara and Yuri will get together again .

  25. 女性的存在境遇与心路历程&试论德·莱纳夫人、安娜·卡列尼娜与娜拉

    WOMEN 'S LIVING CIRCUMSTANCES AND MENTAL EXPERIENCE ── Comparison Among Madame de Renal , Anna Karenina and Nala

  26. 那里的娜拉玛塔湖岸有葡萄园和提供住宿和早餐的旅馆,还有每个秋天举行一次葡萄酒节。

    Vineyards and bed-and-breakfasts cling to the shores of Naramata Lake , and a wine festival is held every autumn .

  27. 中国娜拉们的出路&《兰花梦奇传》关于女性解放的思考

    The Outlet of China 's Nanas & On Women 's Liberation from " the Strange Life of Lan Huameng "

  28. 先生,当这种新的平台应用在中东地区的时候,它使底特律、大马士革和娜拉联系在了一起。

    To put it in Middle Eastern terms , sir , this new platform has connected Detroit and Damascus and Dara'a.

  29. 娜拉出走后的沉浮遭际,构成了中国现代爱情喜剧的主要题材特色。

    The ups and downs Nora experiences after leaving home constitute the main themes and characteristics of modern Chinese love comedies .

  30. 不同的人生,相同的命运:两位女主人翁《玩偶之家》中娜拉与《匹格梅利翁》中伊莉莎的对比研究

    Different Life , Same Destiny : A Comparative Analysis of Two Heroines Nora in a Doll 's House and Eliza in Pygmalion