
  • 网络extramarital sex
  1. 但这种情况在婚外性行为的过程中发生的可能性则要大一些。

    But they are more likely to occur during extramarital sex .

  2. 论唐代婚外性行为及其社会控制

    On the Extramarital Sex Acts and their Social Control in Tang Dynasty

  3. 结果山东省首次在性病人群中检出HIV抗体阳性者,有婚外性行为者占5376%。

    Results It 's the first time that we found out people with HIV were detected among STD population group in Shandong province .

  4. 方法:采用症状自评表(SCL-90)对102例婚外性行为患者进行心理调查。

    Method : 102 cases of marriage outer erotic behave were analyzed using symptom check list ( SCL-90 ) .

  5. 在过去,婚外性行为是非法的。

    In the past , sex outside marriage was illicit sex .

  6. 也许是因为这一点,婚外性行为呈上升趋势。

    Perhaps as a result , extramarital sex is on the increase .

  7. 但谈及婚外性行为这一话题,他们却变得更为严苛了。

    But on the topic of extramarital sex they have become stricter .

  8. 婚外性关系的法律规制

    The legal limitation to extra-marital sexual relationship

  9. 对婚前、婚外性行为持正确态度的比例有所增加,并有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    The positive opinions on premarital and extramarital sexual behavior increased ( P < 0.01 ) .

  10. 一家韩国法院废除了一项禁止婚外性行为的法律。这项具有争议的法律已经施行了数十年。

    A South Korean court has struck down a controversial , decades-old law that bans extra-marital sex .

  11. 绝大部分女研究生不认为婚外性行为是正常的,但有一部分人选择了理解的态度。

    Most students does not regard extramarital sexual affairs as normal but a few of them are more lenient .

  12. 在其他女性性伙伴以及有婚外性行为的已婚应征士兵中,也可以看到相同的发展模式。

    The same pattern is visible with other female sex partners and among married conscripts who have extramarital sex .

  13. 法律可以对婚外性行为予以调整,但配偶权的设置并不能完成这一任务。

    The extramarital sexual relation can be regulated by law , but not through the setting of the right of spouses .

  14. 而如今你可以在这些年龄上加上10年,因为婚外性和同居已经得到广泛接受。

    Now you can put a decade on those ages and that 's because sex and cohabitation outside of marriage are largely accepted .

  15. 性的突围有两种:婚前性行为和婚外性行为,二者都会影响人口的控制。

    There are two ways of sexual vanguard , antemarital sex and extramarital sex . All of the behaviors can influence the population control .

  16. 存在婚前,婚外性行为和多性伴现象。农村大龄未婚男性与已婚男性心理福利的比较研究

    They had extramarital and premarital sex behavior as well as non-marriage sexual partners . A Comparison of Psychological Well-being between Forced Bachelor and Married Male

  17. 58.60%的女大学生和32.80%的男大学生认为婚外性行为是不道德的应受法律制裁;

    58.60 % of male students and 32.80 % of female students think that sexual intercourse out of marriage is unmoral and should be punished by law ;

  18. 新闻是关于一个沙特阿拉伯的女记者,她和同事在电视节目上大谈婚外性,将受到鞭打。

    The news is about a woman journalist in Saudi Arabia who talked about extramarital intercourse in the TV show with her colleague , would be flogged .

  19. 只有34.5%的对象使用过安全套,未婚者中23.1%有婚前性行为,已婚者中4%有婚外性行为;

    Only 34.5 % of participants used condoms , 23.1 % of unmarried migrants had sex behavior and 4.0 % of married migrants had illegal sex behavior .

  20. 目的了解流动人口婚外性行为发生率、安全套使用及影响因素,为在该人群中进行提高安全套使用率的行为干预措施提供依据。

    Objective To understand the incidence of extramarital sexual intercourse , the rate of condom use and its influencing factors among floating population and provide basis for promoting condom use .

  21. 53.4%的未婚者赞同或不反对有性伴侣,37.0%的初婚者赞同或不反对有婚外性伴侣。

    53.4 % of the unmarried endorsed or did not oppose the sexual partner , 37.0 % marriage agreed with or had no objection to extra-marital sexual partners . 5 .

  22. 五年之内,管保可以根除离婚的现象,重建家庭的尊严。存在婚前,婚外性行为和多性伴现象。

    In five years it would do away with divorce and re-establish the prestige of the home . They had extramarital and premarital sex behavior as well as non-marriage sexual partners .

  23. 这种趋势在现实生活中又表现为婚恋稳固性下降、婚外情和婚外性大幅增加、性的商品化和工具化等复杂现象。

    This tendency presents in real life in the form of decreasing of marriage stability , increasing of extramarital affair as well as sexual relations outside marriage , commercializing and tooling of sex .

  24. 第五部分性观念,考察女研究生对婚前性行为和婚外性行为的态度,反映女研究生的性观念和对性行为的态度。

    Part ⅴ, sexual attitude , studies attitudes on premarital sex and extramarital sex for female graduate students , and reflects the " sex " concept and the " sexual " behavior attitude for female graduate student .

  25. 原始的制止婚外性行为的因素主要有:害怕怀孕;害怕社会惩罚;还有害怕性病。

    Up until just about now , for example , the prime brakes on sex outside of marriage have been several : fear of pregnancy , fear of social stigma and punishment , and fear of disease .

  26. 会议主办国埃及和另外四个穆斯林国家一同发出异议,一位伊朗代表说,会议的决定会被人认为是适用于婚外性关系。

    Egypt , the host of the conference , joined with four other Muslim countries in dissenting , saying the ruling could be interpreted as applying to sexual relations outside of marriage , as an Iranian delegate explained .

  27. 所谓忠诚协议是夫妻双方约定互相恪守忠实义务,不为婚外性行为,如果违反,过错方将对无过错方给予经济赔偿。

    The so-called " loyalty agreement " is both sides of the couple who agreed scrupulously to abide the loyal obligation without extramarital sex . Anyone who violate the agreement , the fault will compensates economic compensation to the no-fault party .

  28. 在男性顾客中,与自我报告感染源为婚外性行为感染的对象相比,自我报告感染源为非婚外性行为感染的对象更愿意进行性伴通知,OR值为2.71(95%CI1.43~5.13);

    When self-reporting infection way was not sex behavior out of marriage , the men would more like to do the partner notification than those getting infected from the sex out of marriage . The OR value was 2.71 ( 95 % CI : 1.43 ~ 5.13 ) .

  29. 与某人有婚外的性关系

    Have extra-marital relations with sb

  30. 是说结婚更好吗?,婚外的性行为是罪孽,最终只会在地狱里被烧死?

    That it 's better to marry than to be tempted to sin with sex outside of marriage and then you 'd burn in hell ?