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mèi rén
  • Charming;sugary
媚人[mèi rén]
  1. 在她脸上堆满了媚人的微笑。

    In her face suffused with a sugary smile .

  2. 她具有媚人的风姿。

    She has charming manners .

  3. 她有着媚人的神态。

    She has charming manner .

  4. 他认为她的态度是温和媚人,讨人喜欢的。

    Her manner , he thought , was soothing attractive , delightful .

  5. 但是这种时节的媚人处。

    But the charms of this time of year .

  6. 她是一个媚人的小东西。

    She is a winsome wee thing .

  7. 泰国素以人妖著名,他们胸脯自信地挺起,睫毛媚人地闪动,但这些可能再也不能使他们逃脱兵役。

    PERKY breasts and fluttering eyelashes may no longer help Thailand 's famed ladyboys ( pictured ) to avoid the draft .

  8. 初来乍到虽然看不出有多少媚人之处,但至少没有任何地方叫亲戚们看了讨厌。

    Although there might not be much at first appearance to captivate , there was , at least , nothing to disgust her relations .

  9. 清澈的泉水虽然还保留着一部分媚人的魅力,但也只能反映出低沉的天空落下的一些幽光。

    Still the clear fountain retained a portion of its charmed influence , but it reflected only the sombre gloom that fell from the impending heavens .

  10. 其次,如果头发不是如此媚人,女性就不会在镜子面前花费数小时或者耗费数百美元让自己的秀发更加靓丽了!

    Second , if hair was not so attractive , women would not spend hours in front of the mirror or spend hundreds of dollars to make their hair pretty !

  11. 春天有许多美的地方,五月是新鲜和娇艳的月份,但是这种时节的媚人之处是由于和冬季的对照而加强起来的。八月没有这种有利的条件。

    Spring has many beauties , and May is a fresh and blooming month , but the charms of this time of year are enhanced by their contrast with the winter season.August has no such advantage .
