
  • 网络Subtitle group;Fansub;HKG
  1. 作者最后呼吁,社会和学术界应该对活跃在互联网上的字幕组给予更多的关注。

    The author appeals to the society and the academic circle for more concern over the active online fansub groups .

  2. 字幕组是指将视频作品配上本国字幕的爱好者团体,是一种诞生于互联网时代的新事物,属于一种民间自发的小团体。

    Fansub group refers to the fans group who makes subtitles for the foreign video works , it is a new thing born in the Internet Age which is non-official and elective .

  3. 目前字幕组翻译存在的质量问题有:格式错误,拼写错误,翻译错误和标点误用等。

    Quality problems occur in fansubs involve format errors , misspelling , mistranslation and misuse of punctuation .

  4. 福建师范大学的研究生黄莺(23岁),就是字幕组的成员之一。

    One of these translators is Huang Ying , a 23-year-old graduate student of Chinese at Fujian Normal University .

  5. 此外,林教授还说,逐字翻译和太过含糊也是字幕组存在的通病之一。

    Translating word for word and being too vague are other common errors in the subtitle groups ` work , Lin explained .

  6. 工作或许很辛苦,但黄莺却很喜欢与其他字幕组的译者们在英语水平上一较高下。

    The work may be hard , but Huang says she enjoys matching her English skills against translators in other subtitle groups .

  7. 本研究目的乃希望得知高低学习成就者与不同字幕组对理解力方面的成效如何。

    The primary goal of this study was to determine whether technological enhancements to captioning would benefit students with high learning disabilities and low disabilities .

  8. 2年前,她在国内四大字幕组之一的风软字幕组网站上看到招聘广告,随即申请加入。

    Two years ago , she responded to a help-wanted ad on the Fengruan website , one of the top four subtitle groups in China .

  9. 与语音同步显现的动态文本信息更加有利于听力理解,表现为动态出现字幕组与普通静态的字幕组有显著差异。

    The animated text information synchronizing with voice is favorable for comprehension , inferred by the significant difference between animated caption group and static caption group .

  10. 因此,像黄莺这样的字幕组成员就成了先行的文化使者,为中国观众解译美国的语言风俗。

    As a result , people like Huang have become frontline ambassadors of culture . They decode and interpret American language and idiom for a Chinese audience .

  11. “小熊字幕组”是俄罗斯最受欢迎的社交网络平台VKontakte上的一个翻译小组,据其介绍,在过去的12个月,中国电视剧的观众数量有着显著的增长。

    The Bears , one of the translating groups at Russia 's most popular social network platform VKontakte , said the audience of Chinese TV series has grown noticeably in the last 12 months .

  12. 严格的等级划分存在于每个字幕组中,翻译者的提升不仅取决于起关键作用的翻译速度,而且也加入对原始材料的忠诚来作为评判指标。

    Strict hierarchies exist in each of the translation groups , with translators being promoted not simply for speed , which is vital , but judged on their faithfulness to the original material as well .

  13. 随着国内影视迷对国外影视作品,特别是美剧的迫切需求,字幕组这一网络组织应运而生。

    Along with the urgent demand of the domestic fans for the foreign film and television productions , especially the demand for the American television series , the network organizations of fansubs have come into existence .

  14. 在对该电影的翻译目的以及文本分析的基础上,从中国文化和幽默元素两方面对网络字幕组的三个译本进行分析。

    The case study starts from skopos identification and source text analysis of the film , discusses three versions translated by on-line subtitle groups from two aspects : the Chinese culture-specific elements and the frequent occurrence of humours .

  15. 然而,在网络技术迅速发展的本世纪初,美剧借助网络和字幕组的助力,在中国赢得了一支独特群体一一美剧迷的关注。

    However , in the beginning of this century , as the network technology develops , American drama with the help of the network and subtitles group gained a group of Chinese audiences - " American Drama fans " .

  16. 戴安娜还表示,仅2015年,该字幕组就为《武媚娘传奇》、《无心法师》、《他来了,请闭眼》和《花千骨》等多部中国电视剧做了字幕。

    According to Diana , in 2015 alone , the Bears has subtitled various Chinese series like The Empress of China , Wu Xin : the Monster Killer , Love Me If You Dare , The Journey of Flower and so on .

  17. 而随着互联网应用的普及、资讯的发达以及各论坛字幕组的不断涌现,在线观看英美影视作品已经俨然成为一种时尚潮流。

    With the popularity of the applications of the Internet , the advance of the information and technology and the emergence of the numerous subtitle teams in diverse forums , watching American television programs and movies online has become a fashion in China .

  18. 对字幕翻译策略多样性以及字幕组作品受欢迎原因的解释也证明了功能翻译理论的强大解释力和包容性。

    The justification of different translation strategies and explanation of successful subtitle translations have proved that the functionalist translation theory is strongly explanatory and inclusive .

  19. 根据实验数据,字幕出现在上方和下方的两组并无明显差别,只是下方字幕组的平均分稍高于上方字幕组。

    The two groups do not have significant differences , except that the mean score of bottom caption group is slightly higher than that of top caption group .

  20. 原声字幕版的中英文字幕均来自网络上的字幕组飞鸟影苑的制作,配音版则是选择了上海译制片厂的作品。

    The subtitles , both Chinese and English , are from Fei Niao BT Group , a fansub group from the internet , and the dubbing version is produced by Shanghai Film Dubbing Factory .