
zì tiáo
  • brief note;constituent string
字条 [zì tiáo]
  • [brief note] 写着简单的话的纸片,多为通知、启事之类

  • 他走时留有一个字条儿

  1. 你不在,所以我留了一张字条儿。

    As you were out , I left a message .

  2. 我们看见正门上有一张用透明胶带贴的字条。

    We found a note sellotaped to the front door .

  3. 我急急忙忙给我弟弟写了个字条。

    I dashed off a note to my brother .

  4. 他留下一张字条,大意是他不回来了。

    He left a note to the effect that he would not be coming back .

  5. 墙上有多年前用胶带粘上去的字条。

    There are notes from years ago taped to the walls

  6. 这张字条是要提醒他得向他的一个学生解释某件事情。

    The note was to remind him about something he had to explain to one of his students .

  7. 他把花放在桌上时,目光落在一张写有格雷斯笔迹的字条上。

    As he laid the flowers on the table , his eye fell upon a note in Grace 's handwriting .

  8. 字条上面写着,“我被锁在里面了,快叫人来帮忙。”他把字条放在前门。

    It read , " I 'm locked inside.Please call for help . " He put it on the front door .

  9. 她鬼鬼祟祟地把字条交给了我

    She handed the note to me with a conspiratorial air .

  10. 她正在吃后悔药呢,后悔自己没有毁了那张字条,把钱昧下来

    Lamenting because the papers hadn 't been destroyed and the money kept .

  11. 照片以及绝望的字条,

    the photographs , the desperate notes ,

  12. 是的,孩子,他说,我叫西尔弗。你是谁?他看着乡绅的字条,然后叫起来:

    Yes , my boy , he said . That 's my name . And who are you ? And then he saw the squire 's letter and looked surprised .

  13. Elena的父母现在已经将这些小纸条出版为一本叫《留下的字条》(NotesLeftBehind)的书,以建立一个非盈利组织“治疗之星”。

    Elena 's parents , Brooke and Keith Desserich , have now published these notes in a book called Notes Left Behind to fund a non-profit organization The Cure Starts .

  14. P.S.保存好这张字条,我会成为一个明星。

    P.S. Keep this paper . Imma be a star .

  15. 在新浪微博上搜索茂名或茂名PX字样,都会得到相关字条已遭审查的标准通知:根据相关法律法规和政策,部分搜索结果未予显示。

    Online searches on Weibo for Maoming or Maoming PX produced the standard notice when terms have been censored : According to relevant laws , the results cannot be displayed .

  16. 随后调查人员发现了一张写着“对不起”的字条,笔迹和琼斯日记上的文字相吻合,纽约市警察首席发言人保罗•J•布朗尼说。

    Investigators later discovered a singed note with the words " am sorry " written in a hand that matched the writing in Jones 's diary , said Paul J.Browne , chief spokesman for New York City police .

  17. 女人醒来后发现摇摇马被扔在花园里,还带着一张令人毛骨悚然的字条,LeanneLloyd说:“我们被困在拥挤的人群里。我的孩子因为被大人们推来推去一直在哭,”

    Woman wakes to find rocking horse dumped in garden with seriously creepy note Leanne Lloyd said : ' We were caught in a crowd crush . My children were crying at lack of respect from adults and being shoved and elbowed .

  18. 这一类的字条会被塞进鞋子里或是压在枕下。

    The notes were stuffed inside shoes and left under pillows .

  19. 你有没有碰巧看见上面贴着一张字条?

    Do you perhaps seeing a note on top of it ?

  20. 她鬼鬼祟祟地把字条交给了我。

    She hand the note to me with a conspiratorial air .

  21. 我们发现了你给路易斯医生留下的字条

    We found the note that you left for Dr. Lewis .

  22. 但没找到车主就留了张字条

    Couldn 't find the owner so I just left a note

  23. 他草草写了一张字条放在她书桌上。

    He scratched a note and put it on her desk .

  24. 噢想起来了蛇眼小弟人很不错他给你留了张字条

    Oh , yeah , yeah.Snake eyes.Nice guy.Left you a note .

  25. 我读了我的祖母写在一九二三年的一张字条。

    I read a note my grandma wrote back in nineteen twenty-three .

  26. 我用别针将一张字条别在报告的后面。

    I attached a note to my report with a paper clip .

  27. 冰箱上有她留给你的字条。

    There 's a note for you on the refrigerator .

  28. 地方,然后在车子的挡风玻璃上夹一张字条

    Zone and put a note on the windshield of his

  29. 从半张字条上你就能看出来?

    You can tell that just from a half a page note ?

  30. 而且还附了一张字条,上面写着。

    And there 's a note in it that says .