
sūn zhōnɡ shān jì niàn tánɡ
  • Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall
  1. 位于广州的孙中山纪念堂

    The Sun Yat-sun Memorial Hall in Guangzhou

  2. 博物馆于上午9点开馆,下午4点闭馆。位于广州的孙中山纪念堂是后人为了几年孙中山先生而建的。纪念堂是一座中国宫殿形式的美丽建筑。

    The museum is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Sun Yat-sun Memorial Hall in Guangzhou was built in memory of the late Dr Sun Yat-sen. The Hall is a beautiful building in the style of a Chinese palace .

  3. 你可以参观广州孙中山博士纪念堂。

    You can visit the Dr Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall in Guangzhou .