
jì jié biàn dònɡ
  • Seasonal variation;seasonal fluctuations
  1. 对于短时期的决策,预测季节变动则是基本方法。

    For short-run decisions , the ability to predict seasonal fluctuations is often essential .

  2. 蔬菜的价格随季节变动。

    The price of vegetables fluctuates seasonally .

  3. 季节变动指数(SVI)用来拟合电力负荷的季节性趋势。

    The seasonal variation index ( SVI ) is used to fit the seasonal trend of power load .

  4. 提出灰色GM(1.1)用电最预测模型的改进模型&灰色季节变动指数模型GSI(1,1)模型,将灰色预测方法与季节指数有机结合起来。

    The paper proposes the improved model of GM ( 1,1 ) model which is called GSI ( 1,1 ) . GSI ( 1,1 ) model is the combi - nation of grey system and seasonal index .

  5. 依据Berger-Parker(1974)优势度指数(d),分析得出了不同时期棉田蜘蛛的优势种类,并对其季节变动趋势进行了研究。

    The spider species in different period in cotton field was obtained using Berger Parker dominance index ( d ) .

  6. 建立Holt-Winter预测模型,将具有线性趋势、季节变动和随机波动的时间序列进行分解研究,并与指数平滑法相结合,分别对长期趋势、趋势的增量和季节波动做出估计。

    Establishment of the Holt-Winter forecast model could make decomposing study on time series which has linear trend , seasonal change and random wave , and separately estimate the long-term trend , increase of trend and seasonal wave with combining the exponential smoothing .

  7. 武汉市人口死亡率季节变动规律的分析

    Observation and Analysis of the Seasonal Mortality Variations in Wuhan City

  8. 同安湾浮游动物数量的平面分布和季节变动

    Horizontal distribution and seasonal variation on quantity of zooplankton in Tongan Bay

  9. 公路交通量季节变动指数的测定方法

    Testing Method for Season - changing Index of Highway Traffic

  10. 季节变动现象预测方法浅析

    An elementary introduction to the predicting methods of seasonal variations

  11. 头足类甲壳类三大类群重量组成有一定的季节变动规律。

    The seasonal weight composition of the three groups has certain laws .

  12. 西安市天然气供气量季节变动分析与预测

    The Seasonal Analysis and Forecast of Xi ' an NG Supply Quantum

  13. 铁路军运需求季节变动规律探讨

    Demand season change regular pattern of military transportation by railway

  14. 掌握门诊季节变动规律科学利用医疗人力资源

    Mastering law of seasonal variation and utilizing human resources scientifically

  15. 东北3城市大气悬浮颗粒物浓度的季节变动与粒径分布

    Seasonal Change and Particle Diameter Distribution in Atmosphere of Three Northeast Cities

  16. 鱼塘内细菌数量消长和季节变动

    Growth and seasonal dynamics of bacteria in fish ponds

  17. 产妇分娩数季节变动的灰色预测分析

    Grey Forecast of The Number Childbearing on Seasonal Change

  18. 季节变动分析在医学科研耗材管理中的应用

    Application of Season Factor Analysis in Medical Consumables Management

  19. 基于季节变动序列渐进模型的环境因素预测

    The Environmental Factor Prediction Based on Advanced Gradual Model of Seasonal Variation Series

  20. 该地鼠类混合种群数量季节变动和年度变化明显,五年间鼠类组成发生变化。

    The population dynamics and species composition changed obviously with seasons and years .

  21. 中国航空运输市场季节变动特点与对策研究

    Research of Seasonality of Aviation Market in China

  22. 另外,土壤水分含量也具有季节变动性。

    The woodlands have little change in moisture content compared with the agricultural land .

  23. 东灵山地区啮齿动物群落组成及优势种群的季节变动

    Small Rodents Community Composition and Seasonal Changes of Their Dominant Populations in Dongling Mountain

  24. 为了度量季节变动,我们通常使用移动平均比率法。

    In order to measure seasonal variation we typically use the ratio-to-moving average method .

  25. 蛛形纲动物含能值及其季节变动规律研究

    Energy contents and their seasonal variations in arachnida

  26. 目的:探讨板齿鼠种群的季节变动和年度变动。

    Objective : To investigate the variation of the population density of Bandicota indica .

  27. 泰山地区土壤甲螨的群落组成和季节变动

    Soil Oribatida community component and seasonal fluctuation of Tai mountain area at Shandong Province

  28. 上海淀山湖浮游桡足类群落组成与季节变动研究

    Studies on the composition and seasonal variations of planktonic Copepoda in Lake dian-shan , Shanghai

  29. 厦门市区家栖鼠形动物的群落结构及数量季节变动研究

    The Study 0f Community Structure and Seasonal Fluctuation of Myomorpha Rodents in Xiamen Urban Area

  30. 典型水土流失区地面鼠类的数量配置及季节变动规律

    The Dispose of Species and Quantity of Rodent on Typical Water and Soil Loss Region