
jì jié ɡōnɡ
  • seasonal worker
  1. 这也是当时许多季节工心中的美国梦。

    This was also the American Dream in many migrant workers ' mind .

  2. 他是想起了那些当农业季节工的老头。

    He remembered the old migrants .

  3. 位于罗瓦涅米的“北极雪”酒店正在寻找一名监测该地区北极光的季节工。

    The Arctic Snow Hotel in Rovaniemi is looking for a seasonal staff member to monitor Northern Lights in the region .

  4. 今年,亚马逊为其美国的仓库雇佣了7万名季节工,较上年同比增加了40%。

    This year , Amazon hired 70000 seasonal workers for its U.S. warehouses , a 40 % increase from the year before .

  5. 我所看到的几近我所意料:老太太住在棉田中央的,一幢供农忙时季节工们居住的简陋房子里。

    I found pretty much what I expected : The old lady lived in a one-room sharecroppers cabin in the middle of a cotton field .

  6. 如今日本各地的农民都很是依赖这些季节工,即使他们日语讲得不好因为这些流动工人大部分来自中国。

    There and elsewhere in Japan , farmers have come to depend on these seasonal workers , even though they do not speak the language well because most of the itinerant workers are from China .

  7. 文摘:季节冻土区水工挡土墙,常因墙后土体冻胀而产生断裂、斜、平位移等形式的破坏。

    Abstract : Hydraulic retaining walls in seasonal cold region are often destroyed by breaking , declining and movement resulted from soil heaving behind walls .