
xué nián kǎo shì
  • year-end examination
  1. 第二次去北京,是我完成第一学年考试后,也是选择了秋天当中晴朗的一天

    Second time to Beijing , was my completes of the first year-end examination , also in one middle autumn sunny day

  2. 在小学阶段的语文考试中,六年级的学年考试题教师重视程度尤甚。

    In the Chinese language examinations in the primary schools , Grade Six final examinations of the school year cause teachers ' attention particularly .

  3. 我们在学年末参加考试。

    We take our examinations at the end of the school year .

  4. 还有一些人则注意到此次“疫情”的爆发时间恰好与本学年的期末考试“不谋而合”。

    Others noted the outbreak came at the same time as end-of-year exams .

  5. 五月,学年末的考试就要来了,安妮刻苦地准备着。

    There were examinations at the end of the college year , in May . Anne studied very hard for them .