
xué shù nénɡ lì
  • academic aptitude;scholarly competence
  1. 更让人不安的是,即便排除了大学前的学术能力测验分数的影响,这种悬殊的差距依然存在。

    More troubling , the disparity persists even when controlling for precollege academic aptitude scores .

  2. 先生/士正向贵校申请入学,应他/之请求,特写此信,陈述我对其学术能力的评估,以供参考。

    At the request of Mr. / Ms. * , who is seeking admission to your institution , I am now writing to furnish my evaluation of his / her academic aptitude for your reference .

  3. 从我懂事以来,智力及对它的理解就一直在魂牵梦萦着我。我们生活在一个尊崇学术能力的世界,但是,事实上,确切地说,学术能力有多少的价值量?

    We live in a world which reveres academic ability , but in reality , exactly how valuable is it ?

  4. 相比高考,美国的SAT(“学术能力测试”)和ACT(“美国大学测试”)不过是小菜一碟。

    The American SAT and its cousin , the ACT , are a cakewalk by comparison .

  5. 你知道布什总统在大学学术能力测验中得到几分吗?布什(GeorgeW.Bush)是美国第43、44任总统。他的母亲姓Walker,所以他的名字中的W.是Walker的缩写。SAT是ScholasticAptitudeTest(学术能力测验)的缩写。

    Do you know what President George W. Bush got on his college SATs ?

  6. 或许连学术能力评估考试(SAT)成绩单的复印件也不需要。

    You don 't need a quasi-perfect GPA , and you may not have to chase copies of your SAT transcript .

  7. 该校佳奇商学院(Judgebusinessschool)正在帮助艾哈迈达巴德、卡拉奇和阿布扎比刚起步的商学院打造学术能力,在中国也有类似计划。

    The Judge Business School is helping build academic capacity at fledgling business schools in Ahmedabad , Karachi and Abu Dhabi and has plans to do so in China , too .

  8. 他说,我会教他参加学术能力评估测试(SAT),将来申请美国的大学。

    ' I will teach him to take the SAT and apply to university in America in the future , ' he said .

  9. SAT(原名是学术能力测试和学术评估测试)是美国大学入学标准化测试。

    The SAT Reasoning Test ( formerly Scholastic Aptitude Test and Scholastic Assessment Test ) is a standardized test for college admissions in the United States .

  10. SAT测试原称学术能力测试(ScholasticAptitudeTest),在11或12年级进行,学生申请大学时一般都会提交SAT测试成绩。

    The SAT , originally known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test and taken during junior or senior year of high school , is a common element of college applications .

  11. 美国高等院校考试现在是美国应用最广泛的大学入学测试,紧随其后的就是它的竞争对手学术能力评估测试。NPR新闻,克劳迪奥·桑切斯报道。

    The ACT is now the most widely used college entrance exam , followed closely by its competitor , the SAT. Claudio Sanchez , NPR news .

  12. 在距离美国大部分高校的提前申请截止日期还剩几天之际,管理全世界的学术能力评估测试(ScholasticAssessmentTest,简称SAT)的公司,决定暂缓公布数千名中国和韩国学生的成绩。

    Responding to cheating allegations , the company that administers the SAT tests around the world is withholding scores , at least temporarily , for thousands of Chinese and South Korean students just days before the early application deadlines for most American colleges and universities .

  13. 中国民办高校教师学术能力发展的问题及对策

    On Academic Ability Development of Private University 's Teachers in China

  14. 非学术能力是每一个人成就事业所不可缺少的能力。

    The non academic ability is necessary ability in one 's career .

  15. 你认为申请人的学术能力如何!

    How do you rate the applicant 's academic ability ?

  16. 你的学术能力评估考试准备的怎么样了?

    How is your preparation for the SAT exam going ?

  17. 注重培养学术能力的观点根植于我们的教育体系之中。

    Our education system is predicated on the idea of academic ability .

  18. 学术能力并不是大学入学的唯一标准。

    Academic ability is not the sole criterion for admission to the college .

  19. 男女大学生学术能力的性别差异研究

    A Study of the gender Difference in Academic Ability Between College Boys and Girls

  20. 我希望自己的实际经验和学术能力能使我有资格为你效劳。

    I wish my experience together with my academic background might qualify me for you .

  21. 学术能力和非学术能力是大学生、研究生必须具备的两部分能力。

    The academic and non academic abilities are two indispensable abilities to higher education subjects .

  22. 学术能力评估测试是美国两种大学入学考试之一。

    The SAT is one of two major tests for entrance to American colleges and universities .

  23. 科研创新能力和素质,是大学本科高年级生应该具备的重要学术能力。

    Capability of innovation for scientific research is an important thing that senior undergraduates should train for .

  24. 学术能力是指进行学术研究所必需的知识层面和经验层面的素质和能力。

    Academic competence refers to the essential quality and capacity of knowledge and experience level in academic research .

  25. 但与中小学不完全相同,大学教师评价实际上主要是对其学术能力、学术水平以及学术道德的评价。

    The evaluation of university teacher eventually focuses on his / her academic ability , proficiency and morality .

  26. 第二点,学术能力已经成为衡量好学生的主要标准,

    And the second is academic ability , which has really come to dominate our view of intelligence ,

  27. 许多商业研究人员可能有一种自卑情结,因此他们迫切想表现出学术能力。

    Many business researchers may have an inferiority complex , so there are pressures to appear to be academic .

  28. 当前,高等职业教育中的能力观正由学术能力观向职业能力观转变。

    At present , ability view in higher vocational education is changing from academic ability view to professional ability view .

  29. 学术能力包括,对于学科专业理论知识的认知能力、分析问题解决问题的科研能力。

    Academic competence includes cognitive ability and scientific research ability of analyzing and solving problems in academic and theoretical knowledge .

  30. 例如,有证据表明,学术能力的多基因得分越高,患自闭症的可能性就越大。

    For instance , there is some evidence linking higher polygenic scores for academic ability to higher likelihood of autism .